CDC Criteria for Bloodstream Infection
Criteria of Friedman et al for Health Care-Associated Bloodstream Infection
Risk Factors of Farinas-Alvarez et al for Nosocomial Sepsis in Surgical Patients
Recommended Practices of Kilbride et al for Reducing Nosocomial Bacteremia in a Neonate
Risk Factors of Tacconelli et al for Nosocomial Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Bacteremia Within 24 Hours of Hospital Admission
NOSEP (Nosocomial Sepsis) Score of Mahieu et al for Predicting Nosocomial Sepsis in a Neonate
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Clinical Sepsis in a Neonate or Infant (CSEP)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Disseminated Infection (DI)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Laboratory-Confirmed Bloodstream Infection (LCBI)
Risk Factors of Perlman et al for Late Onset Healthcare-Associated Neonatal Sepsis
CDC Criteria for Intracranial Infection
CDC Criteria for Meningitis or Ventriculitis
CDC Criteria for Spinal Abscess Without Meningitis
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Spinal Abscess Without Meningitis (SA)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Meningitis or Ventriculitis (MEN)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Intracranial Infection (IC)
Risk Factors for Nosocomial Ventriculitis Associated with an Intraventricular Catheter
Risk Factors of Boviatsis et al for Infection of a CNS Infusion Pump
CDC Criteria for Conjunctivitis
CDC Criteria for Eye Infections Other than Conjunctivitis
Controlling the Spread of Adenovirus as Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Conjunctivitis (CONJ)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Eye Infections Other Than Conjunctivitis (EYE)
CDC Criteria for Sinusitis
CDC Criteria for Oral Cavity Infection
CDC Criteria for Otitis Externa
CDC Criteria for Otitis Media
CDC Criteria for Otitis Interna
CDC Criteria for Mastoiditis
CDC Criteria for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Sinusitis (SINU)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Infection of the Oral Cavity (ORAL)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (UR)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Otitis Externa (EAR)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Otitis Media (EAR)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Otitis Interna (EAR)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Mastoiditis (EAR)
CDC Criteria for Pneumonia
CDC Criteria for Bronchitis, Tracheobronchitis, Bronchiolitis, or Tracheitis without Pneumonia
CDC Criteria for Empyema or Lung Abscess
Criteria of McGeer et al for Pneumonia and Other Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in a Patient at a Long Term Care Facility
Risk Factors of Yu et al for an Outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) on a Hospital Ward
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Other Infections of the Lower Respiratory Tract (LUNG)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Bronchitis, Tracheobronchitis, Bronchiolitis or Tracheitis Without Evidence of Pneumonia (BRON)
Criteria of of Mohri et al for Postoperative Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP)
Risk Factors of Cavalcante et al for Nosocomial Infection in a Patient with Tetanus
Risk Factors for Hospital-Acquired Legionellosis
CDC Criteria for Arterial or Venous Infection
CDC Criteria for Endocarditis
CDC Criteria for Myocarditis or Pericarditis
CDC Criteria for Mediastinitis
Risk Factors Associated with Infections of Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs)
Criteria of Ben-Ami et al for Hospital-Acquired Infective Endocarditis
Findings of Klug et al Indicative of an Infected Pacemaker
Risk Factors of Sohail et al for Infection of a Permanent Pacemaker
Risk Factors of Klug et al for Infection of an Implanted Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD) or Pacemaker
Criteria of Fernandez-Hidalgo et al for Health Care-Associated Infective Endocarditis (HAIE)
Prognostic Factors of Fernandez-Hidalgo et al for a Patient with Health Care-Associated Infective Endocarditis (HAIE)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Mediastinitis (MED)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Myocarditis or Pericarditis (CARD)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Arterial or Venous Infection (VASC)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Endocarditis (ENDO)
CDC Criteria for Gastroenteritis
CDC Criteria for Infant Necrotizing Enterocolitis
CDC Criteria for Hepatitis
CDC Criteria for Other Gastrointestinal Tract Infections
CDC Criteria for Intraabdominal Infections
Criteria of McGeer et al for a Gastrointestinal Tract Infection in a Patient at a Long Term Care Facility
Risk Factors for Nosocomial Spread of Enteric Parasites
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Necrotizng Enterocolitis (NEC)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Gastroenteritis (GE)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Gastrointestinal Infections Excluding Gastroenteritis and Appendicitis (GIT)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Hepatitis (HEP)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for an Intraabdominal Infection Not Specified Elsewhere (IAB)
CDC Criteria for Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infection
CDC Criteria for Asymptomatic Bacteriuria
CDC Criteria for Other Infections of the Urinary Tract
Criteria of McGeer et al for a Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infection in a Patient at a Long Term Care Facility
Risk Factors of Hessen et al for Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection
Criteria of Roberts et al for Postbiopsy Infection in a Male Undergoing Needle Biopsy of the Prostate
Criteria of Bochicchio et al for a Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI)
Risk Factors of Leone et al for a Nosocomial Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection for a Patient in the Intensive Care Unit
Evaluating an Elderly Patient with an Indwelling Catheter for Evidence of a Urinary Tract Infection or Sepsis
Recommendations of Saint et al for Avoiding a Urinary Tract Infection Associated with a Urinary Catheter
Criteria of Cope et al for Catheter-Associated Asymptomatic Bacteriuria (CAABU)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Asymptomatic Bacteriuria (ASB)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Other Infections of the Urinary Tract (OUTI)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for a Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infection (SUTI)
Intervention Bundle of Clarke et al for Reducing Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI)
CDC Criteria for Endometritis
CDC Criteria for Episiotomy Site Infection
CDC Criteria for Vaginal Cuff Infection
CDC Criteria for Other Infections of the Female Reproductive Tract
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Endometritis (EMET)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Vaginal Cuff Infection (VCUF)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Other Infections of the Female Genital Tract (OREP-F)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Episiotomy Infection (EPIS)
CDC Criteria for Nosocomial Male Reproductive Tract Infection
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Other Infections of the Male Genital Tract (OREP-M)
CDC Criteria for Skin Infection
CDC Criteria for Soft Tissue Infection
CDC Criteria for Breast Abscess or Mastitis
CDC Criteria for Decubitus Ulcer Infection
CDC Criteria for Burn Infection
CDC Criteria for Omphalitis Infection in Newborn
CDC Criteria for Pustulosis in an Infant
CDC Criteria for Circumcision Infection in Newborn
Criteria of McGeer et al for a Decubitus Ulcer Infection in a Patient at a Long Term Care Facility
Clinical Signs of Cioffi et al Suggestive of an Invasive Infection of a Burn Wound
Histologic Staging of the Microbial Status in a Burn Wound Infection
Histologic Grades of Pruitt for Burn Wound Infection
Risk Factors of Pruitt for Burn Wound Infection
Clinical Findings Suggesting Infection of a Chronic Wound
Risk Factors of Stotts for Infection of a Chronic Wound
Risk Factors for Skin Reaction and Infection Associated with Mesotherapy
Risk Factors for Aeromonas Cellulitis Associated with the Use of Medicinal Leeches
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Breast Abscess or Mastitis (BRST)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Oomphalitis in a Newborn (UMB)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Newborn Circumcision Infection (CIRC)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Pustulosis in an Infant (PUST)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Soft Tissue Infection (ST)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Skin Infection (SKIN)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Burn Infection (BURN)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Infection of a Decubitus Ulcer (DECU)
Classification of Surgical Wounds
CDC Criteria for Surgical Site Infection
Identifying Patients at High Risk for Surgical Site Infection (SENIC Risk Index)
Risk Factors for Surgical Wound Infection After Repair of Abdominal Hernias
The National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance (NNIS) Risk Index for Surgical Site Infection
Risk Factors for Surgical Wound Infection after Vascular Surgery
The ASEPSIS Scoring Method for Postoperative Wound Infections
Identification of Patients Having Surgery for Head and Neck Cancer at High Risk for Surgical Wound Infection
Risk Scores of Terracciano et al for Postoperative Infections
Risk Factors for Surgical Site Infection Following Gastroduodenal Surgery
Surgical Wound Grading Scheme of Coit et al
Risk Factors of Coit et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Lymph Node Dissection in the Groin
The Southampton Grading Scheme for Surgical Wounds
Risk Factors of Pessaux et al for Surgical Site and Global Infection in Patients After Noncolorectal Abdominal Surgery
Clinical Features of Meleney's Postoperative Synergistic Gangrene with Slowly Progressive Ulceration (Postoperative Cutaneous Amebiasis)
Wound Classification of Weigelt et al Following Traumatic Injury
Risk Factors of Kurz et al for Surgical Wound Infection After Colorectal Surgery
Risk Factors of Kaye et al for a Surgical Site Infection in an Older Adult
Scheme of Jain et al for Grading the Surgical Site Following a Gastrostomy
Surgical Site Infection Risk Index of Neumayer et al Based on Data from the Patient Safety in Surgery Study and National Surgical Quality Improvement Program
Risk Factors of Neumayer et al for Abdominal Surgical Wound Infection
Risk Factors of Ridgeway et al for Surgical Site Infection After Hip Arthroplasty
Classification of Szilagyi et al for Infection of a Synthetic Vascular Graft
Risk Factors of Szilagyi et al for Infection of a Vascular Graft
Modified Classification of Bunt for Infection of a Peripheral Vascular Graft
Risk Factors of Al-Khayat et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Elective Excision of a Pilonidal Sinus
Risk Factors of Olsen et al for a Surgical Site Infection After Major Breast Surgery
Risk Factors of Cheng et al for Graft Infection Following Cranioplasty
Risk Score of Pessaux et al for Surgical Site Infection Following "Clean" Surgery
Clinical and Laboratory Findings Indicating Infection of a Penile Implant
Risk Factors for Infection of a Penile Implant
Risk Factors of Brothers et al for Infection of an Infrainguinal Prosthetic Vascular Graft
Impact of Surgical Glove Perforation on Surgical Site Infection
Barriers to Detection of a Surgical Site Infection That Develops After Discharge
Good, Bad and Ugly Grading System of Clint et al for Ring Fixator Pin Sites
Pin Track Infection Grading System of Checketts et al
Risk of Surgical Site Infection Based on a Patient's Percent Body Fat
Risk Factors for a Surgical Site Infection Following a Cesarean Section
Risk Factors of Smith et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Hip or Knee Orthopedic Surgery
Model of Ho et al for Predicting Surgical Site Infection Following a Renal Transplant
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Superficial Incisional Surgical Site Infection (SIP, SIS)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Deep Incisional Surgical Site Infection (DIP, DIS)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Organ/Space Surgical Site Infection
Risk Factors of Asensio et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Orthotopic Liver Transplant
Risk Factors of De Vivo et al for Surgical Site Complications Following Cesarean Section
Risk Factors of Babcock et al for a Surgical Site Infection Following Arthroscopy
Risk Factors of Imai et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Following Gastointestinal Surgery
Risk Factors of Tang et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Elective Resection of the Colon and/or Rectum
Risk Factors of Sehgal et al for a Surgical Site Infection Following a Colorectal Resection in a Diabetic
Risk Factors of Bucher et al for Surgical Site Infection in a Pediatric Patient
Classification of Hodgkiss-Harlow and Bandyk for Infection of an Aortic Graft
Risk Factors of Korinek et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Craniotomy in a Neurosurgical Patient
Modification of Kanters et al of the Ventral Hernia Working Group (VHWG) Grading Scale for Surgical Site Complications Following Ventral Hernia Repair
Hernia Grading System of Breuing et al (Ventral Hernia Working Group)
Risk Factors of Lee et al for Superficial Incisional Surgical Site Infection Associated with a Midline Laparotomy
Risk Factors of Sharma et al for a Harvest Surgical Site Infection Following a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Procedure
Questions of Knaust et al to Screen for Surgical Site Infection Following Hospital Discharge
CDC Criteria for Osteomyelitis
CDC Criteria for Joint or Bursa Infection
CDC Criteria for Vertebral Disk Space Infection
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Osteomyelitis (BONE)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Disc Space Infection (DISC)
CDC/NHSN Criteria for Joint or Bursa Infections (JNT)
Tuberculosis Risk Assessment in a Health-Care Facility
Discontinuation of Tuberculosis Isolation
Identifying Children for Tuberculin Skin Testing Using the New York City Department of Health (NYCDOH) Risk Assessment Questionnaire
Clinical Prediction Rule of Wisnivesky et al for Placing a Patient with Suspected Pulmonary Tuberculosis into Isolation
Estimating the Period of Infectiousness for a Person with Tuberculosis When Investigating Contacts
When to Expand the Scope of an Investigation into Tuberculosis Contacts
Determining the Priority for a Contact of a Tuberculosis Patient with a Negative Sputum AFB Smear
Determining the Priority for a Contact of a Tuberculosis Patient with a Positive Sputum AFB Smear or Cavitary Lesion on Chest X-Ray
Determining the Priority for a Contact of a Tuberculosis Patient with a Negative Sputum AFB Smear and an Abnormal Chest X-Ray Inconsistent with Tuberculosis
WHO Criteria for When to Consider a Patient with Tuberculosis To Be Potentially Infectious During Air Travel
WHO Criteria To Determine Whether to Trace Contacts of a Patient with Tuberculosis Who Traveled by Air
Recommendations for the Care of a Patient with Potentially Infectious Tuberculosis During Air Travel
Factors Affecting Spread of Tuberculosis During Air Travel
Decision Tree of Gerald et al for Investigating a Person with Contact to a Patient with Tuberculosis
Risk Factors for Transmission of Tuberculosis in People Who Use Marijuana (Hotboxing, Shotgunning)
Isolation Precautions Based on Clinical Syndrome
Guidelines for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Health Care Workers Caring for Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Respiratory Hygiene and Cough Etiquette for a Healthcare Facility
Proper Care and Use of Disposable Gloves by Healthcare Providers
Risk Factors for Occupational Infection of a Health Care Worker with Viral Hepatitis B
Reasons for the Failure to Adhere to Isolation Precautions
Errors in the Donning of an N95 Mask Reported by Cummings et al
Requirement for Shoes in a Healthcare Facility
Donor Exclusionary Criteria to Prevent Transmission of HIV Infection (High Risk Donor, HRD)
Donor-Related Risk Factors of Hassan et al for Endophthalmitis Following a Corneal Transplant
Prevention of Salmonella Transmission from Reptiles to Humans
Prevention of Salmonella Infections Associated with Eating Shell Eggs
Dietary Precautions to Prevent Foodborne Transmission of Listeria monocytogenes
Precautions to Help Prevent Enteric Pathogen Spread When the General Public and Animals Are in Contact With Each Other
Precautions for Handling and Eating Seafood and Shellfish to Minimize the Risk of Infectious Disease Transmission
Salmonellosis in AIDS Patients Associated with Dried Rattlesnake Powder
Precautions To Be Taken During a Cholera Outbreak
Duration of Infectivity for Vibrio cholerae in Food
Prevention of Salmonella Transmission By Dogs and Cats Fed Natural Treats or Raw Food
Risk Factors for Transmission of Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:H7
Handling of Fish to Minimize Bacterial Contamination
Prevention and Control of Norovirus (Norwalk Agent) Infection
Risk Factors for Developing a Gastrointestinal Infection with a Campylobacter Species
Risk Factors of Cahill et al for Gram-Negative Bacterial Infection Associated with Powdered Infant Formula
Steps to Reduce the Transmission of Salmonella Species
Prevention of Bacillary Dysentery Associated with a Shigella Species
Organisms Targeted By Milk Pasteurization
Temperatures and Exposure Times Used to Pasteurize Milk
Persistence of Enteric Pathogens in Cebiche
Sibling Visitation on Obstetrical Units
Signs and Symptoms in an Infant That Should Exclude Child Care Center Attendance
Guidelines for Handwashing by Children in a Day Care or Group Home Setting
Guidelines for Handwashing by Staff and Visitors in a Day Care or Group Home Setting
Risk Factors of Pickering et al for Spread of Acute Gastrointestinal Infections in a Day Care Center
Risk Factors of Shane et al for Spread of Shigellosis in Day Care Centers
Hazards of Premasticating Food for an Infant
Risk of Infection Associated with Feeding an Infant with Breast Milk Expressed from Another Woman
Infection Control Measures for Human Donor Breast Milk
Risk of Nosocomial Infection Based on TISS and ICU Length of Stay
Risk Factors of McKinnon et al for Candida Infections in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Over Time
Device Utilization Ratio (Device Use) in the Intensive Care Unit
Risk Factors for Nosocomial Infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Risk Factors of Yogaraj et al for Nosocomial Bloodstream Infection for a Patient in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Clinical Prediction Rule of Ostrosky-Zeichner et al to Identify a Patient in the Intensive Care Unit At Risk for Invasive Candidiasis
Risk Factors of Leroy et al for an Invasive Candida Infection for a Patient Receiving Critical Care
Risk Factors of de Mello et al for Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI) Affecting a Patient in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Risk Factors of Hermsen et al for Invasive Candidiasis in an Intensive Care Unit Patient (Nebraska Medical Center or NMC Rule)
Models of Nichols et al for Risk of Infection After Penetrating Abdominal Trauma
Risk Factors for Infection Following Open Fracture
Risk Factors for Intra-Abdominal Infection Following Hepatic Trauma
Risk Factors of Lima et al for Infection of an Open Fracture Involving the Lower Extremity
Risk Factors of Morales et al for Intra-Abdominal Infection Following Abdominal Trauma
Risk Factors of Papia et al for Infection in a Hospitalized Trauma Patient
Risk Factors of Weigelt et al for Surgical Wound Infection in a Trauma Patient
Risk Factors of Walker et al for Infection After Thoracic Trauma
Risk Factors of Edna and Bjerkeset for Infection in a Trauma Patient Including the Amount of Blood Transfused
Model of Asensio et al for Predicting Postoperative Wound Infection in a Patient with Traumatic Injury to Femoral Blood Vessels
Scoring System of Yokoyama et al for Predicting Deep Infection Associated with an Open Tibial Fracture
Risk Factors for Infection Following a Penetrating Craniocerebral Gunshot Wound
Risk Factors of Ordog et al for Infection of a Civilian Gunshot Wound
Score of Yokoyama et al for Predicting Risk of Deep Infection Following an Open Fracture of an Extremity
Risk Factors of Dellinger et al for Infection Involving an Open Fracture of an Extremity
Reducing the Risk of Viral Transmission in Surgery
Findings in a Surgical Patient Associated with a High Risk of Post-Operative Infection
Algorithm of Kendrick et al for Managing Postoperative Fever in a Gynecologic Patient
Risk Score of Pessaux et al for Infection Following Inguinal Hernia Repair
Bedside Prediction Rule of Algra et al for Infection Following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Model of Barker et al for Estimating Risk of Major Infection Following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Risk Factors for Infection Associated with a Percutaneous Catheter
Underlying Conditions Increasing a Patient's Risk for Infection Associated with an Intravascular Catheter
Criteria of Raad and Bodey for the Diagnosis of Intravascular Catheter-Related Septicemia
Criteria of Douard et al for Infections Associated with Vascular Access Ports (VAP)
Criteria for Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection from the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA)
Criteria of Raad et al for Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection
Risk Factors of Fowler et al for Hematogenous Complications of Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia Associated with an Intravascular Catheter
Algorithm of Raad et al for Managing a Patient with a Central Venous Catheter, Cancer and Candidemia
Semiquantitative Method of Maki et al for Culturing an Intravenous Catheter
Infection in the Femoral Region Associated with a Percutaneous Arterial Suture Device (Arterial Closure Device)
Protocol of Bouza et al for Evaluating a Patient with Suspected Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection Without Catheter Withdrawal
Risk Factors of Penel et al for an Early Intravascular Catheter-Related Infection in a Cancer Patient
Risk Factors for Central Venous Catheter Associated Bacteremia Due to Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Recommendations of Benjamin et al for Managing an Neonate with a Central Catheter and a Positive Blood Cultures
Indications of Marschall et al for Use of a Chlorhexidine-Containing Sponge Dressing About an Intravascular Catheter
Criteria for Infection of a Tunneled Intravascular Catheter
Criteria for Infection at the Exit Site of an Intravascular Catheter
Risk Factors of Costello et al for Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection Affecting a Pediatric Patient in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit
Guidelines for Use of Guide Dogs in Health Care Facilities
Standards for Contact Tracing in Gonorrhoea
Classification of El Oakley and Wright for Postoperative Mediastinitis
Radiological Staging of Gur et al for Sternal Wound Infections
Risk Factors for Deep Sternal Wounds and Mediastinitis
Risk Factors Identifying Patients Likely to Fail Surgical Salvage of Sternal Wound Infection
Impact of Breast Size on Sternal Wound Complications in Women After Median Sternotomy
Risk Factors of Ottino et al for Major Sternal Wound Infections After Open Heart Surgery
Clinical Features of Grossi et al for Major Sternal Wound Infections
Risk Factors of Grossi et al Associated with Major Sternal Wound Infections
Sternal Wound Infections Caused by Candida Species After Median Sternotomy
Risk Factors of Dodds Ashley et al for Postoperative Mediastinitis Caused by Staphylococcus aureus
Estimating the Risk of Mediastinitis After Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery Using the ACC/AHA Risk Score
Clinical Findings That May Suggest a Sternal Wound Infection Caused By an Opportunistic Fungus
Preoperative Scoring System of Friedman et al for Risk of Sternal Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery (Australian Clinical Risk Index)
Risk Factors of Ben-Ami et al for Sternal Wound Infection in a Child After Cardiac Surgery
Categories of Infectious Waste
Cleanup of a Blood Spill
Handling a Fecal Accident in a Chlorinated Swimming Venue
CDC Guidelines for Pool and Hot Tub Operators to Reduce Spread of Bacterial Pathogens
Protective Steps Against Pseudomonas Folliculitis for Bathers in Pools or Hot Tubs
Water Chlorination for Disinfection After Contamination
Biosafety Levels (BSLs) for Laboratory Handling of Infectious Agents
Risk Factors for Exposure to Brucellosis in a Microbiology Laboratory
Prevention of a Laboratory-Acquired Balantidium coli Infection
Risk Factors for Laboratory-Acquired Toxoplasmosis
Protocol of Herwaldt for Monitoring a Patient with an Accidental Laboratory Exposure to Trypanosoma cruzi
Pseudo-Outbreak of a Nosocomial Infection
Use of Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) of DNA Restriction Fragments from Culture Isolates to Evaluate Epidemiologic Relatedness During an Infectious Disease Outbreak
Quality of the Evidence for Sameness of Two Infectious Isolates
Risk Factors for Bloodstream Infection in Patients Receiving Infusion Therapy at Home
Time Required for Removal of Airborne Contaminants from a Room
Findings Suggesting the Deliberate Release of Botulinum Toxin as a Biological Weapon
Findings Suggesting a Biological Weapon Attack
Indications Suggesting a Weaponized Biological Agent
Guidelines for Precautions During Construction and Renovation Based on Type of Work and Exposure Risk (Infection Control Risk Assessment or ICRA Matrix)
Factors Affecting the Use of Carpet as a Floor Covering in a Healthcare Setting
CDC Recommendations for Preparation of Infant Formula
Colonization of a Neonate's Enteral Feeding Tube by Enterobacteriaceae
Prevention of Infection in Patients Who Inject Drugs
Risk Factors of Murphy et al for Skin and Soft Tissue Abscesses in Injection Drug Users
Risk Behaviors of Razzaghi et al for Injecting Drug Users
Cleanup of a Building After Significant Rodent Infestation
Reducing Food Sources and Shelter for Rodents within a Building
Trapping Rodents In a Building
Distinguishing Between the Black and Brown Rat
Screening Well Water as a Possible Source for an Infection
Risk Factors of Borella et al for Legionella Contamination of Domestic Hot Water Sources
Response to Contamination of a Municipal Water Supply
Corrective Decontamination of a Building's Hot Water System Following a Contaminating Event
Water Sampling Sites for Detection of Legionella Species
Criteria for a Water Storage Vessel in a Developing Country
Ensuring Potable Water During a Flood or Natural Disaster
Levels of Water Safety in a Developing Country
Methods of Water Treatment and Purification for a Traveler
Precautions in the Use of Iodine for Disinfection of Drinking Water
Recommendations of Backer for Halogen Contact Time in Water Based on Temperature and Halogen Concentration
Causes of Water Turbidity
Water Aerosols and Sources of Legionella
Modified Spaulding Classification of Devices for Disinfection and Sterilization
Calculation of the F0 Value For a Cycle in a Steam Sterilizer
Using the F0 Equation to Determine an Unspecified Parameter Affecting Steam Sterilization
Disinfection of Respiratory Equipment in the Home
Sterilization of Medical or Laboratory Equipment with Dry Heat
Recommendations of Rutala for Flash Sterilization of Surgical Instruments
Initial Response to the Report of a Positive Biological Indicator for an Autoclave
Use of Dilute Bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite) As a Skin and Instrument Decontaminant
Cleanup of a Site Contaminated by Bird or Bat Droppings
Environmental Sampling of a Site Possibly Contaminated with Histoplasma capsulatum
Chemical Decontamination with Formaldehyde of an Environmental Area Contaminated with Histoplasma capsulatum
Recommendations for Reducing Dust Exposure in Areas Endemic for Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever)
Risks of Ecological Sites for Harboring Coccidioides immitis
Cleaning Fomites to Prevent Spread of Coccidioidomycosis
Risk Reduction for Persons in a Region Endemic for Coccidioidomycosis
Criteria for Potential Exposure to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Warranting Quarantine in Taiwan During 2003
Factors Affecting the Success or Failure of Quarantine
Social Distancing
Relative Risk of Acquiring HIV Infection According to Sexual Practices
Steps to Reduce the Risk of Sexually Transmitting Enteric Pathogens Associated with Anal Contact
Risk Factors of Bonneux et al for HIV Infection in European Expatriates Living in Africa
Risk Factors of Abdullah et al for a Traveler Acquiring a Sexually Transmitted Disease
Advice for Sexual Behavior by a Traveler
Sexual Tourism
Risk Factors for Sexually Transmitted Disease in an Older "Swinger"
Potential Risks of Various Tissues for Transmitting Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Screening a Patient for Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) or Related Disorder Prior to Surgery
WHO Decontamination Levels for Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE)
Prevention of Iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Risk Factors for a Patient with Cystic Fibrosis Acquiring Burkholderia cepacia Complex
Managing a Patient with Cystic Fibrosis Who Has Been Colonized with Burkholderia cepacia Complex
Complications Associated with Artificial and Modified Fingernails
Problems Associated with the Use of Hand Lotions in Healthcare
Factors of Pittet Predicting Poor Hand Hygiene in a Healthcare Facility
Elements of a Successful Hand Hygiene Program
Indications for Handwashing and Hand Antisepsis
Guidelines for Surgical Scrub and Hand Antisepsis
Hazards Associated with Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers
Occupational Hand Dermatitis Associated with Hand Hygiene
Modified Handwashing Score of Ruan et al
Risk Associated with Exposures to a Patient with Lassa Fever
Risk Factors of McGirt et al for Infection of a Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt in a Pediatric Patient
Clinical Factors of Lan et al Associated with Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Infection in a Child with Hydrocephalus
Criteria of Sarguna and Lakshmi for the Diagnosis of Venticuloperitoneal Shunt Infection
Risk Factors for Severe Infection in a Patient with Paraneoplastic Hypercortisolism
Precautions of Nucci and Anaissie for a Severely Immunocompromised Myeloma Patient
Hand Washing Instructions for a Public Setting with Animal Contact
Determining the Adequacy of Hand Washing Facilities at a Public Setting with Animal Contact
Identifying a Person at High Risk for Infection After Animal Contact
Proper Handling of Pet Rodents
Estimating the Risk for a Human Exposed to an Animal with a Possible Monkeypox Exposure
Steps to Reduce Exposure to Micro-Organisms When Swimming in Natural Bodies of Water
Microorganisms at a Beach That Can Cause Infection
Risk Factors for Developing an Infection After a Trip to the Beach
Risk Factors for Infection at a Mass Gathering
Clinical Signs and Symptoms of Psittacosis in a Bird (Avian Chlamydiosis)
Recommendations for Controlling the Spread of Psittacosis
Risk Factors for the Spread of Psittacosis
Precautions for Travelers to an Area Endemic for Avian Influenza
Food Handling Precautions to Prevent Spread of Avian Influenza
Pandemic Severity Index (PSI)
Signs and Symptoms of Swine Flu in Pigs
Reducing the Risk of Spreading Influenza to and from Pigs
Recommendations of the CDC for Reducing the Spread of Community-Acquired Methicillin Resistant (Oxacillin Resistant) Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA, ORSA)
Recommendations of the CDC for Preventing Transmission of MRSA Among Sports Participants
Risk Factors of Lucet et al for Identifying Carriage of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Adults Admitted to the ICU
Risk Score of Harbarth et al for Identifying a Patient with Unknown Carriage of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) at Hospital Admission
Risk Score of Sax et al for Identifying a Patient with Unknown Carriage of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) on Admission to a Geriatric Hospital
Risk Factors of O'Sulivan and Keane for Patient Colonization with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in a Nursing Home
Score of Harbarth et al for Identifying a Surgical Patient with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Carriage at Hospital Admission
Reducing the Risk of Injury from a Surgical Needle
Sources of Sharps Injury During Surgery
Classification of Wright et al for Glove Tears and Sharp Injuries
Reasons of Makary et al For Why a Surgical Resident May Not Report a Sharps Injury
Reducing Sharps and Needle Injuries From Discarded Medical Supplies in the Community
Risk Factors of Watson et al for Communicable Disease Transmission After a Natural Disaster
Collecting Dead Birds During an Avian Disease Outbreak
Timing of Interventions to Control Mosquitoes
Events That Will Disrupt a Vector Control Program
Steps in Insect Pest Control
Airplane Disinsection
Preventing the Transmission of Blood Borne Pathogens in Athletes
Lesions That a Trainer or Coach Should Look for on an Athlete
Risk Factors of Schneider et al for Nosocomial Infection
Risk Factors for a Health Care-Associated Infection
Problems Associated with Partner Notification
Recommendations of Paterson and Doi for Controlling the Spread of Carbapenemase-Producing Gram Negative Bacteria
Risk Factors for Environmental Colonization with an Acinetobacter Species
CDC Guidance for Transferring a Patient with an Antibiotic Resistant Organism
Sources of Rabies Virus in Human Infection
Animals and Risk of Rabies
Features of an Effective Community Animal Control Program for Preventing Rabies
Handling of an Animal Who Has Bitten Someone
Reducing the Risk of Cytomegalovirus Infection in a Pregnant Woman
Risk Factors for Nosocomial Spread of Dengue Fever
Risk Factors for St. Louis Encephalitis
Risk Factors of Paillaud et al for Nosocomial Infection in an Elderly Patient
Risk Factors for the Spread of Infections in a Prison
Differential Diagnosis of Foodborne Illness Starting Within 6 Hours of Ingestion
Clinical Features of Staphylococcal Food Poisoning
Clinical Features of the Short-Incubation (Emetic) Type of Bacillus Cereus Food Poisoning
Clinical Features of the Long-Incubation (Diarrheal) Type of Bacillus Cereus Food Poisoning
Problems for Infection Control in a Long-Term Acute Care Hospital
Disposal of Human Fecal Waste While Camping
Risk of Transmission of Viral Hepatitis C from a HCV-Infected Patient from the Study of Dore et al
Indications for Survey Skin Cultures Following Skin Disinfection
Complications Associated with Skin Disinfection
Adverse Effects Associated with Chlorhexidine
Classification of Aslam et al for Infections of a Ventricular Assist Device
Categories of Response to Therapy for an Infection of a Ventricular Assist Device
Risk Factors for Infection of a Catheter Providing a Continuous Peripheral Nerve Block (CPNB)
Recommendations of Reynolds for Minimizing Infections Associated with a Neuraxial Block
Steps to Avoid a False-Positive Assignment of a Healthcare-Associated Infection
Standardized Infection Ratio (SIR)
Basic Infection Rates
Categories of Shindo et al for Pneumonia, Including Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia (HCAP)
Risk Factors of Aleissa et al for Deep Surgical Site Infection Following Pediatric Scoliosis Surgery
Ventral Hernia Risk Score (VHRS) of Berger et al
Risk Factors of Greenblatt et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Following Open Lower Extremity Revascularization
Recommendations of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) for Preventing the Spread of Viral Gastroenteritis
Evaluating Someone Who Has Come Into Skin Contact with a Patient with Syphilis
Use of Steel Wool in Rodent Holes or Burrows
Sites to Screen a Patient for Colonization by Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Hazards of a Locust Swarm
Controlling the Spread of Dermatophytes (Tinea) Between People
Routes of Infection for an Athlete
Issues in the Partner Notification of a Patient Infected with HIV
Prevention of Viral Hepatitis A in a Traveler
Infectious Disease Outbreak Associated with Drug Diversion by a Healthcare Worker
Risk Factors of Habib et al for Mortality in a Patient with a Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device (CIED) Infection
Risk Factors of Vuorisalo et al for Surgical Site Infections in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery Without Valve Procedure
Controlling Spread of Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) Following Intracystic Instillation for Bladder Cancer
Super-Spreader of an Infectious Disease (Typhoid Mary, Plague Carrier)
Shelf Life and Deterioration of Chlorine Bleach (Clorox, Sodium Hypochlorite)
Calculation of Bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite) Dilution Solutions
Controlled Movement of a Person Who May Have Had a Communicable Disease Exposure
MSM HIV Risk Index of Smith et al
Importation Index of Quam and Wilder-Smith for Dengue Fever
Correlating Various Foods with Possible Causes of Food Poisoning
Differential Diagnosis of Foodborne Illness Based on Time of Onset and Key Symptoms
Sources of Aerosols in the Laboratory
Sources of Aerosols on a Clinical Service of a Hospital
Aerosols in the Community and Environment
Pathogens Transmissible by Aerosols
Measles Transmission
Pediatric Risk of Nosocomial Sepsis (PRiNS) Score of Saptharishi et al
Risk Factors of Nobrega et al for Bacteriuria or Urinary Tract Infection in a Female After a Urodynamic Study
Urinary Catheter Associated Candiduria
Risk Factors for Urinary Tract Infection After a Hysterectomy
Risk Factors of Koutsoumbelis et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Posterior Lumbar Instrumented Arthrodesis
Use of an Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera to Screen for Postoperative Surgical Site Infection
Risk Factors of Drapeau et al for Surgical Site Infections in an HIV-Infected Patient
Incidence Density of Drainage Days
Risk Factors of Lake et al for Surgical Site Infection After Hysterectomy
Risk Factors of McKibben et al for Cesarean Section Surgical Site Infection
Rapid Instrument of Redd and Susser for Identifying a Patient in an Urban Emergency Department Who May Need to Be Placed in Isolation for Tuberculosis
Infections Due to Mycobacterium chimaera and Other Nontuberculous Mycobacteria Associated with a Heater-Cooler Device
Risk Factors of Chopra et al for a Peripherally-Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) Associated Bloodstream Infection
Risk Factors of Tao et al for Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) in a Burn Patient
Risk Factors of Tschudin-Sutter for Serious Sternal Wound Infections After Cardiac Surgery
Complications of Bacterial Contamination of an Enteral Diet and Its Administration Set
Risk Factors of Simon et al for a First Cerebrospinal (CSF) Shunt Infection
Risk Factors for Spread of Azithromycin-Resistant Strains of Shigella flexneri in Homosexual Males (Men Who Have Sex with Men, MSM)
Risk Factors of Angue et al for Colonization with a Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) Bacteria of a Patient Admitted to the ICU After Travel Abroad
Foodborne Gastroenteritis Associated with Providencia alcalifaciens
Geographic Countries and Regions with an Increased Prevalence of Viral Hepatitis B
Risk Factors of Falcone et al for Healthcare-Associated Bloodstream Infection in a Patient with Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI)
Nosocomial Spread of Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Risk Factors of Falcone et al for Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia (HCAP)
Model of Kilic et al for Predicting the Risk of Pneumonia Following Cardiac Surgery
Criteria of Kaasch for Echocardiography to Exclude Infectious Endocarditis in a Patient with Nosocomial Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia
Risk Score of Sadot et al for Intra-Abdominal Infection Following Colorectal Surgery
COLA Score of Gervaz et al for Predicting Surgical Site Infection (SSI) After Colorectal Resection
Risk Factors of Shree et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Following Cesarean Section
Risk Factors of Haridas and Malangoni for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) in General Surgery
Model of Wiseman et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) After Hospital Discharge in a Patient Following Major Vascular Surgery
Risk Factors of Paiva et al for Early Mortality with Hospital-Acquired Fungemia (HAF)
Hospital-Acquired Infection (HAI) Prediction Score of Friedant et al After an Acute Ischemic Stroke
Protocol of Picardi et al for Using Ultrasonography to Monitor a Central Venous Catheter (CVC) in a Patient with Neutropenia and a Bloodstream Infection (BSI)
Risk Factors of Fu et al for Sternal Wound Infection Following Cardiac Surgery
Scoring System of Benedetto et al for Deep Sternal Wound Infection
Parasitic Zoonoses Transmission Risk Score (PZTRS) of Kollataj et al for Dog Owners
Rabies Associated with Dog Meat Consumption
Predictors of Srihawan et al for Adverse Outcome for a Patient with Healthcare-Associated Meningitis or Ventriculitis
Risk Factors of Lee et al for Pneumonia After Surgery for Lung Cancer
Risk Factors of Regueiro et al for Infective Endocarditis and In-Hospital Mortality Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)
Nomogram of Campos-Lobato et al for Predicting Organ Space Surgical Site Infection (SSI)
Risk Factors of Migita et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) After Elective Gastrectomy
Risk Factors of Dunne et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Following Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair
Risk Factors of Kiran et al for Surgical Site Infection After Colorectal Surgery
Risk Factors of Amri et al Surgical Site Infection Following Colon Cancer Surgery
Risk Score of Anaya et al for a Surgical Site Infection Associated with Cancer Surgery
Hazards Associated with Raw Fish or Shellfish (Sushi, Sashimi, Etc)
Safe Transport of Groceries
Infection Hazards Associated with a Shopping Cart
Infection Risk Score (IRS) of Matos et al for an Open Fracture
Risk Factors of Dahan et al for Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) in the Neonatal ICU (NICU)
Prediction Risk Score of Wylie et al for Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) in a Pediatric Patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Risk Factors of Mehta et al for Sternal Wound and Other Infections in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
Transmission of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF)
Handling Feeder Rodents
Immature Mosquito Vector Surveillance Indices (House, Container, Pupa and Breteau Index)
Adult Mosquito Vector Surveillance Indices (Landing and Biting Rate, Trap Number)
Prevention of Nosocomial Spread of Zika Virus
Risk Factors of Yazdanpanah et al for Percutaneous Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) to a Health Care Worker (HCW)
Risk Factors of Wylie et al for Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) in a Pediatric Patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Risk Factors of Federico et al for Nosocomial Bacterial Meningitis Following Neurosurgery
Risk Factors of Walsh et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Following Spinal Fusion Surgery
Model of Woodfield et al for Predicting Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Risk Based on the American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) Classification and Wound Category
Risk Factors of Ketcheson et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) After Cesarean Section
Recurrent Sepsis and Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy (HOA) Associated with an Infected Vascular Graft
Risk of Enteric Pathogens Associated with Fruit Juice
OSHA Requirements for Potable Water at a Work Site
Pros and Cons of Ethylene Oxide for Sterilization of Hospital Supplies
Outbreak of Coccidioidomycosis After an Earthquake
Rule of 14 of Vidyasagar for Identifying Nosocomial Neonatal Sepsis
Criteria of Coffin et al for Mucosal Barrier Injury Bloodstream Infection in a Neonate with a Gastrointestinal Disorder
Revised NHSN Definition for a Mucosal Barrier Injury (MBI) Laboratory-Confirmed Bloodstream Infection (LCBI)
Criteria of McGeer et al for a Systemic Infection in a Long-Term Care Facility
Risk Factors of Chen et al for Nosocomial Meningitis Following a Craniotomy
Nosocomial Sinusitis in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Criteria of McGeer et al for Infections of the Eye, Ear, Nose or Mouth in a Long-Term Care Facility
Predictors of Nagaoka et al for Nosocomial Pneumonia Due to Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Invasive Nondental Procedures Associated with Endocarditis Based on the Study of Janszky et al.
Risk Factors of Strassle et al for Nosocomial Infection of an Adult Burn Patient
Risk Factors for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Based on the Review of Korol et al
Risk Factors of Harder et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) in a Pediatric Patient Undergoing Cardiac Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease with Delayed Sternal Closure
Risk Score of Leekha et al for Serious Surgical Site Infection (SSI) After Vascular Surgery
Models of Vu et al for Predicting Complications After Abdominoplasty: Surgical Site Infection
Risk Factors of Yang et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) After Hepatic Resection
Risk Factors of Pop-Vicas et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) After Hysterectomy
Risk Factors of Chu et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) After Intestinal Stoma Reversal
Diagnosis of Invasive Fungal Infection (IFI) in a Combat Wound
Risk Factors of Tribble et al for Combat-Related Open Extremity Wound Infection (CEWI) After the Initial Hospitalization
Risk Factors of Michalopoulos et al for Nosocomial Infections After Open Heart Surgery
Michigan PICC-CLABSI (MPC) Score of Herc et al for Peripherally-Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) Associated Blood Stream Infection
Risk Factors of Klatte et al for Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) Due to Candida Species in Pediatric Patients
Modification of DiGiorgio et al for the Surveillance Definition of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) for a Patient with a Hematologic Malignancy
Risk Factors of Pepin et al for Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI)
Score of Menza et al for Predicitng the Risk of Acquiring HIV in a Man Who Has Sex with Men (MSM)
Viruses That May Be Spread By Semen
Clinical Score of Bettens et al for Screening a Geriatric Patient for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) on Hospital Admission
Infections Associated with Acupuncture Needles
oodborne Infection Associated with a Cold or Chilled Soup
Barriers for Preventing an Outbreak of Foodborne Disease
Reducing the Risk for an Outbreak of Foodborne Disease By Food Worker Handwashing and Hand Hygiene
Food Workers and Outbreaks of Foodborne Disease
Pathogens Associated with Food Workers and Foodborne Outbreaks
Risk Factors for Bacterial Contamination of a Kitchen Towel
OSHA Requirements for Toilets at Construction Jobsites
HCV-MOSAIC Score of Newsum for Identifying an HIV-Positive Male Who Is At Risk for Viral Hepatitis C (HCV)
Risk Factors of Sun et al for Infection Associated with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Therapy in an Adult
Risk Factors of Shultes et al for Early Infection Following a Heart Transplant
Predictors of Greene et al for Hospital-Acquired Urosepsis (Urinary Tract-Related Bloodstream Infection)
Model of Li et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Resection of a Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma
Risk Factors for Infection of Surgical Mesh Used in Abdominal Wall or Inguinal Repair
Risk Factors of Liang et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Orthopedic Surgery in a Geriatric Patient
Tuberculin Skin Test (TST, PPD, Mantoux)
Tuberculin Booster Effect and the Two-Step Skin Test
Precautions Required for a Shigella Infection
Exclusion of a Student from School When There Are Symptoms of a Potentially Communicable Disease
Risk Factors for Sexually-Transmitted Infections in Women Who Have Sex with Women (WSW)
Diagnostic Criteria of Lunardi et al for an External Ventricular Drain-Related Infection
Utrecht Pneumonia Scoring System for a Patient Who Has Undergone Esophagectomy
Surveillance Criteria of Ji et al for Non-Ventilator Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (NV-HAP)
Pre-Operative Model of Strobel et al for Predicting Pneumonia Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
Prosthetic or Operated Valve Endocarditis
Risk Factors of Baboudjian et al for Urinary Tract Infection After Flexible Ureteroscopy
Risk Factors of Brophy et al for Surgical Site Infection After Orthopedic Surgery Performed in an Ambulatory Care Center
Risk Factors of Peponis et al for Surgical Site Infection Following a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Predictors of Schwartz et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Laryngectomy
Risk Factors of Delpachitra et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Minor Dermatological Surgery
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) Criteria for Grading a Surgical Site Infection (SSI)
Risk Factors of 30-Day Surgical Site Infection
Clinical Prediction Rule of Noorit et al for Superficial Surgical Site Infection After Appendectomy in an Adult with Complicated Appendicitis
Risk Factors of Hu et al for Incisional Surgical Site Infection Following Bowel Resection for Crohn's Disease
Risk Factors of McKenna et al for Organ Space Infection (OSI) Following Ileal Pouch Anal Anastomosis (IPAA) in Ulcerative Colitis
Risk Factors of Norris et al for Deep Surgical Site Infection Following Surgery for a Periarticular Knee Fracture
Risk Factors of Xu et al for Deep Knee Infection After Intra-Articular Injection
Decision Instrument of Moran for Identifying a Patient with Pneumonia in the Emergency Department Who May Have Tuberculosis
Model of Mylotte et al for Prediction of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Consensus Definition of Metsemakers et al for Fracture-Related Infection (FRI)
Classification of Ganesan et al for Trauma-Associated Invasive Fungal Infection of a Combat Wound
Scores of Fowler et al for Predicting Major Infection After Cardiac Surgery (STS Score): Preoperative Score
Scores of Fowler et al for Predicting Major Infection After Cardiac Surgery (STS Score): Combined Score
Risk Factors of Shenep et al for Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) in Pediatric Patients with Cancer Receiving Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
Risk Factors of Ariyaratnam et al for Deep Sternal Wound Infection (DSWI) Following Cardiac Bypass Surgery
Risk Factors of Lu et al for Sternal Wound Infection Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
Infection Associated with Contaminated Tattoo Ink
Risk Factors of Gabriel et al for Post-Operative Sepsis After Emergency Surgery
Risk Calculator of Gupta et al for Prediction of Postoperative Pneumonia
Clinical Findings of Hollaar et al for the Recognition of Aspiration Pneumonia in a Nursing Home Resident
Prognostic Model of Sanger et al for Evaluating a Surgical Site Infection
Risk Factors of Saeed et al for Surgical Site Infection After Cesarean Delivery
Model of Mulder et al for Deep Surgical Site Infection After Colorectal Surgery
Score of Yin et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer
Prediction Model of Janssen et al for Surgical Site Infection After Instrumented Thoracolumbar Spine Surgery in an Adult
Score of Assawapalanggool et al for Predicting Organ Space Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Following Cesarean Section in Thailand
Risk Factors of Klemencsics et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) After Elective Routine Degenerative Lumbar Spine Surgery
Predictors of Davis et al for a Surgical Site Infection (SSI) After an Open Lower Extremity Revascularization Procedure
Risk Factors of Reese et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Long Bone Fracture
Risk Factors of Fang et al for Surgical Site Infection After Craniotomy
Risk Factors of Oliveira et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) in a Liver Transplant Recipient
Surgical Site Infection Risk Index of Bustamante-Munguira et al for Cardiac Surgery (IRIC Score)
Score of Saunders et al for Determining the Risk of Tuberculosis for an Adult Contact of a Tuberculosis Index Case
Predictive Score of Chan et al for Tuberculosis in a Child Contact
Risk Factors of Woods-Hill et al for Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI) in a Critically-Ill Pediatric Patient
Criteria for Close Contact with a Patient with a Respiratory Infection
Equations of Gatti et al for Predicting Deep Sternal Wound Infection (DSWI) After Bilateral Internal Thoracic Artery Grafting: Preoperative Model
Equations of Gatti et al for Predicting Deep Sternal Wound Infection (DSWI) After Bilateral Internal Thoracic Artery Grafting: Combined Model
BIMA Score of Raja and Benedetto for Deep Sternal Wound Infection (DSWI) Following a CABG Procedure
Brompton Harefield Infection Score (BHIS) of Raja et al
Score of Sa et al for Deep Sternal Infection Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
Needlestick Transmission of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF)
Prevention of Human to Human Transmission of Rabies
Reducing the Risk of Foodborne Disease with Produce and Fruits
Risk Levels of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for Exposure to 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Travel Warning Levels
Risk Factors for Sethna et al for Catheter-Associated Peritonitis in a Pediatric Patient Undergoing Peritoneal Dialysis
Vaccine Hesitancy Scale (VHS)
Risk Calculator of Gabriel et al for Mortality in a Patient with Postoperative Sepsis
Predictors of Ninh et al for Sepsis Following Appendectomy in an Adult
Ratio of Total Cortisol to CRP to Predict Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP) in a Patient with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Risk Calculator of Takesue et al for Predicting Postoperative Pneumonia After Gastrointestinal Surgery
Nomogram of Zhang et al for Predicting Postoperative Pneumonia After a Craniotomy
Criteria of Rothe et al for a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in a Hospitalized Patient: UTI with Systemic Involvement (SUTI)
Criteria of Rothe et al for a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in a Hospitalized Patient: Urocystitis and Asymptomatic Bacteriuria
Risk Factors of Mancone et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery versus Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)
Hematological Biomarkers of Rotem et al for Early Prediction of an Infection Following Cesarean Section
Risk Factors of Cooper et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Instrumented Fixation in Spine Trauma
Model of Liu et al for Predicting Postoperative Infection Following Surgery for Mandibular Osteonecrosis
CAPCT Score of Hu et al for Predicting a Surgical Site Infection Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Clinical Prediction Rule of Shen et al for a Superficial Surgical Site Infection Following a Hepatectomy
Prediction Tool of Namba et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) After Spinal Surgery
Risk Factors of Ramos et al for Infection-Related Hernia Mesh Explantation
Hazards of Eating Raw Meat (Steak Tartare, Cannibal Sandwich, Tiger Meat)
Pistachios-Associated Food Poisoning
Risk Factors of Sahli et al for Infection of a Central Venous Catheter (CVC) Used for Hemodialysis
Risk Factors of Lee et al for Catheter-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) in a Cancer Patient with a Peripherally Inserted Central Venous Catheter (PICC)
Clinical Prediction Model of Figueroa-Phillips et al for Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) in a Pediatric Patient Presenting to the Emergency Department
MUST Score of Harig et al for Sternal Wound Dehiscence After Cardiac Surgery
Risk Factors of Lepelletier et al for Mortality in a Patient with Mediastinitis Following Cardiac Surgery
Risk Factors of Fram et al for Morbidity and Mortality Associated with Bloodstream Infection in a Hemodialysis Patient
Prognostic Factors of Ma et al for a Healthcare-Associated Bloodstream Infection in an Older Adult
French Criteria for ICU-Acquired Pneumonia
Predictors of Vidal et al for Postoperative Pneumonia Following a Heart Transplantation
Risk Factors of Ma et al for an Infectious Complication Following Ureteroscopy
Risk Factors of Everhart et al for Surgical Infection Following a Total Joint Arthroplasty (TJA)
Risk Factors of Natori et al for Surgical Site Infection After Liver Transplantation
Risk Factors of Hou et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) After Colorectal Surgery
Nomogram of Ma et al for an Orthopedic Surgical Site Infection in an HIV-Positive Patient
Risk Factors of Farinas et al for Nosocomial Infection and Mortality Following a Prosthetic Vascular Graft
Postoperative Serum C-reactive Protein (CRP) and Infectious Complications Following Surgical Repair of a Femoral Neck Fracture
Sternal Surgical Site Infection Risk Index of Russo and Spelman (Alfred Hospital Risk Index)
Risk Index of Kohli et al for Sternal Surgical Wound Infection After Cardiovascular Surgery (Toronto Risk Index)
Sternal Wound Infection Prediction Scale (SWIPS) of Hussey et al
Sternal Wound Infection Prediction Scale-Revised (SWIPS-R) of Hussey et al
Household Water Insecurity Experiences Scale (HWISE-4) of Young et al
WHO Criteria for Contact with Ebola or Marburg Virus Disease
Risk Factors of Okamoto et al for the Colonization of Patients in a Long-Term Acute Care Hospital with Klebsiella pneumoniae Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae
Risk Factors Related to Bushmeat
Score of Ellsbury et al for Determining the Risk of Travel to a Country for Pneumococcal Infection
Risk Factors of Abbasi et al for Nosocomial Infection in a Patient Undergoing Hemodialysis
Model of Chang et al for Predicting a Hospital-Acquired Infection
Risk Factors of Bozzay et al for an Abdominal Surgical Site Infection Following Exploratory Laparotomy for a Combat Casualty
Nomogram of Yu et al for Predicting Nosocomial Infection After Cardiac Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease
Nomogram of Yu et al for Predicting Nosocomial Infection After Cardiac Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease Using Serum AST
Risk Factors of Paul et al for Surgical Site Infection After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
MagedanzSCORE for Prediction of Mediastinitis After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
Risk Factors of Shang et al for Infection-Related Hospitalization for a Home Healthcare Patient
Cryptococcosis and Exposure to Bird Excreta
Contamination of Powdered Infant Formula with Cronobacter (Formerly Enterobacter) sakazakii
Inhalation Meliodosis Associated with an Aromatherapy Room Spray
Nosocomial Scabies
Risk Factors for Recurrent Scabies in a Hospitalized Patient
Risk Score of Alavi et al for Surgical Site Infection in a Patient with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Risk Factors of McCutcheon et al for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Following Craniotomy for Brain Tumor
Risk of Significant HPV Transmission During Lasering or Electrocautery of Cutaneous or Genital Warts
Counterfeit Respirators (N95, KN95, Other)
Score of Fernandez-Ugidos et al Predicting In-Hospital Postoperative Infection After Heart Transplantation
Outbreaks of Infectious Diarrhea Associated with a Splash Pad
PASS Score of Westendorp et al for Predicting Risk of Nosocomial Infection Following an Acute Stroke
Risk Factors of Falcone et al for Nosocomial Infection in a Patient Hospitalized with COVID-19
Ptomaine Poisoning
DESTINE Staging System of Bernhardt et al for Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) Driveline Infection
Healthcare-Acquired Chaga's Disease
Factors Associated with a Low Risk of Meningitis After Cochlear Implantation
Impact of Neurologic Impairments on Postoperative Pneumonia in Pediatric Noncardiac Surgical Patients
Risk Factors for Nosocomial Fungal Pneumonia in a Bone Marrow Transplant Recipient
Risks Factors of Gan et al for Surgical Site Infection After Head and Neck Cancer Surgery
Risk Factors of Belk et al for Nosocomial Infection in a Knee Arthroscopy Patient
Score of Saunders et al for Predicting the Risk of Tuberculosis Transmission to Household Contacts
Risk Factors of Toro-Aguilera et al for Infection After Fixation of a Distal Tibia Fracture
Prediction Model of Iachkine et al for Central Venous Catheter Tip Colonization
Predictors of Sachithanandan et al for Deep Sternal Wound Infection Requiring Revision Surgery
Anthrax After Contact with Drums Made from Animal Hides
Scent Rolling Behavior in Dogs
Patients at Risk for Extensively Drug-Resistant Shigellosis
Risk of Infection Associated with Water Immersion for Labor and Delivery
Risk of Botulism Associated with Homemade Flavored or Infused Oil
Risk Factors of Walek et al for Infection of an External Ventricular Drain (EVD)
Risk Factors of Han et al for Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP) in a Psychiatric Inpatient
Predictive Models of Hu et al. for Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP) in a Patient with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH): Logistic Regression Model
Predictive Models of Hu et al. for Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP) in a Patient with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH): Point Score Model
Coronary Stent Infection
Risk Factors for Nosocomial Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) Not Associated with a Urinary Catheter
Nomogram of Cheng et al for Predicting Surgical Site Infection (SSI) in a Patient Following Resection of a Lung Neoplasm
Prediction Score of Zorbas et al for Surgical Site Infection After Clean Neck Operation
Revised Bluebells Wound Healing Questionnaire
Risk Factors of Shibamura-Fujiogi et al for Pediatric Surgical Site Infection Following Shunt Operation for Hydrocephalus
Predictors of Yang et al for Surgical Site Infection After Fasciotomy for Acute Leg Compartment Syndrome
Nomogram of Yanjun et al for Incisional Wound Infection Following Radical Resection for Bladder Cancer
Model of Matsumoto et al for Predicting Surgical Sie Infection (SSI) After Spinal Surgery in a Patient with Cerebral Palsy
Risk Factors of Guo et al for Infection Associated with a Maxillofacial Soft Tissue Injury Requiring Sutures
Persistent Infection Associated with Methyl Methacrylate or Other Bone Cement
Infection Hotspot
Signs of Rodent (Rat or Mice) Infestation in a Home
Heat Stability of Various Toxins Involved in Foodborne Disease
Risk Factors of Yao et al for Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia in a Hip Fracture Patient
Scores of Woods et al for Predicting Surgical Site Infection Before the Patient Leaves the Operating Room: Automated Score
Scores of Woods et al for Predicting Surgical Site Infection Before the Patient Leaves the Operating Room: Manual Score
Nomogram of Li et al for Predicting Surgical Site Infection for a Patient Undergoing Clean Orthopedic Surgery
Risk Score of Wilkinson et al for a Deep Surgical Infection of an Open Tibial Shaft Fracture with an Intramedullary Nail
Definition of Frank et al for Pin Site Infection (PSI)
Risk Model of Ushiku et al for Surgical Site Infection After Gastric Cancer Surgery
Risk Factors of Akgun et al for Surgical Site Infection After Fasciotomy for Acute Compartment Syndrome
Risk Factors of Zhao et al for Surgical Site Infection Following Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament
WEBAC Score of Chaochankit et al for Predicting a Cholecystectomy Wound Infection
Predictors of Suragul et al for Surgical Site Infection After Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple Procedure)
T-BACCO Score of Sharani et al for Identifying a Patient with Tuberculosis and a Current History of Smoking Who May Be Lost to Follow-Up
Model of You et al for Predicting the Risk of a Sternal Incision Problem Following Surgery
Fungal Mediastinitis Following Cardiac Surgery
Causes of Foodborne Disease Associated with Bloody Diarrhea
Aeromonas as a Cause of Foodborne Gastroenteritis
Predictors of Yadollahi et al for Nosocomial Pneumonia in a Patient with Trauma Requiring Immediate Intervention
Risk Factors of Lan et al for Postoperative Pulmonary Infection in a Patient with a Brain Tumor
Score of Polat et al for Predicting Hospital-Onset Clostridioides difficile Infection in a Pediatric Patient
Urinary Tract Infection Prediction Model of Zhao et al for Spinal Cord Patient Undergoing Rehabilitation
Breast Reconstruction Risk Assessment (BRA) Score of Kim et al: Prediction of Surgical Site Infection
Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network - Quality (HCRNq) Criteria for Surgical Site Infection After Hydrocephalus Shunt Procedure
Risk Factors of Tserenpuntsag et al for Surgical Site Infection After Abdominal Hysterectomy
Model of Sanger et al for Predicting Surgical Site Infection Based on Daily Clinical Wound Assessment
Risk Factors of Diefenback-Elstob et al for Tuberculosis in a Traveller
Risk Factors of Safir et al for Nosocomial Transmission of MPOX Virus to Healthcare Workers
FRI Classification of Alt et al for Fracture-Related Infections
Risk Factors of Puoti et al for Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections Associated with Home Parenteral Nutrition in a Child with Intestinal Failure
Spread of Contagious Disease When Sharing Utensils or Foodware
Risk Factors of Dyal et al for Persistence of Ebola Virus in Semen for a Year or More After Recovery
House Condition Scoring Scale and House Infestation with Aedes Mosquitoes
Premise Condition Index (PCI) of Tun-Lin et al
Nomogram of Wang et al for Predicting the Risk of a Hospital-Acquired Infection (HAI) for a Pediatric Patient with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
Risk Factors of Obeagu et al for Nosocomial Infections in a Patient with Sickle Cell Anemia
Risk Factors of Moriyama et al for Colonization of a Patient with Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) Bacteria After International Travel
Surgical Aerosols (Surgical Plumes) and Transmission of Viruses