
Sahli et al identified risk factors for infection associated with a central venous catheter being usef for hemodialysis. The authors are from Setif 1 University in Algeria.

Patient selection: hemodialysis being performed through a central venous catheter


Types of infection:

(1) bloodstream infections (CLABSI)

(2) catheter site


The rate of CVC-related infection was 16.6 per 1000 catheter days.


Risk factors for infection:

(1) diabetes

(2) duration of catheterization >= 10 days


Review of hygiene measures showed lapses in hand hygiene, skin disinfection, sterile gloves, sterile drapes, dressing after hemodialysis and difficult initial insertion.


Many of the pathogens were multi-drug resistant (MDR).

Mortality was associated with inadequate antibiotic therapy.


Creation of a fistula for hemodialysis may decrease the duration of the central venous catheter.

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