
Age of patient


Enter age in months


Body temperature

Does the patient show bradycardia?

Is the patient apneic?

Does the patient complain of dizziness?

Does the patient have headaches?

Does the patient have localizing neurologic signs?

Does the patient have a changing level of consciousness?

Is the patient confused?

Is there a reasonable explanation for the new symptoms other than intracranial infection?

Are pathogenic organisms present in culture of brain tissue or dura?

Is an abscess or evidence of intracranial infection seen at surgery?

Is an abscess or evidence of intracranial infection seen on histopathologic examination?

Are organisms seen on microscopic examination of brain or abscess tissue obtained by needle aspiration?

Are organisms seen on microscopic examination of brain or abscess tissue obtained by by biopsy at surgery?

Is an antigen test for a pathogenic organism positive on blood or urine?

Is there radiographic evidence of intracranial infection?

Is there a diagnostic single IgM antibody titer for a pathogenic organism?

Is there a fourfold increase in titer for IgG antibodies in paired serum samples for a pathogenic organism?

Has the patient died?

Did the patient's physician start appropriate antibiotic therapy for an intracranial infection before death?

Are organisms seen in microscopic examination of brain or abscess tissue obtained at autopsy?


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