Lean Body Mass from Height and Weight Using the Method of Hume
Lean Body Weight from Total Body Water
Estimating Lean Body Mass Using Bioelectrical Impedance and the Equation of Segal et al
Estimating Fat Free Mass in Adults Over 60 Years of Age Using Bioelectrical Impedance and the Equations of Deurenberg et al.
Estimating Lean Body Mass from Urinary Creatinine Excretion
Estimating Percent Body Fat and Lean Body Mass in Children and Adolescents Using Bioelectrical Impedance and the Equations of Bunc et al
Estimating Lean Body Mass from Height and Weight Using the Method of James
Estimating the Body Cell Mass (BCM) and Extracellular Mass (ECM)
Method of von Dobeln for Estimating Fat Free Mass from Anthropometric Measurements
Equations of Brennan and Fuchs et al for Estimating Fat Free Mass from Anthropometric Measurements (U.S. Air Force Equations)
Equations of Garrow and Webster for Fat Free Mass Based on the Quetelet Index
Equations of Boer and Raes et al for Lean Body Mass for a Pediatric or Adult Patient Based on Height and Weight
Equations of Deurenberg et al for Estimating Fat Free Mass in Pediatric and Adult Patients Using Bioelectric Impedance
Equations of Janmahasatian et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in Adults
Equation of Janmahasatian et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in an Adult Using Hip and Waist Measurements
Equations of Mourtzakis et al for Fat Free Mass (FFM) Based on an Abdominal CT Scan
Equation of Brook Correlating Lean Body Mass and Total Body Water in Prepubescent Children
Equations of Going et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) and Percent Body Fat in Adolescent Girls
Equation of Goran et al for Predicting Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in Young Children Using Bioelectrical Impedance
Equation of Schaefer et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in German Children
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Method of Bray et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in Children
Equations of Ellis et al for Estimated Fat and Fat-Free Mass in Pediatric Patients
Equations of Burmeister and Bingert for Estimating Body Cell Mass (BCM)
Body Density by Underwater Weighing and Calculation of the Fat Free Mass Using the Siri Equation
Equation of Weststrate and Deurenberg for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Children from Body Density
Equation of Lohman et al for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Children from Body Density
Mid-Arm Circumference and Triceps Skinfold Measurements
Mid-Arm Muscle Area
Mid-Arm Fat Area
Estimating the Percent Body Fat of Adult Mentally Retarded Males Using the Kelly-Rimmer Regression Equation
Estimating the Percent Body Fat from Skinfold Thickness Using the Equations of Durnin and Rahaman
Estimating Lean Body Mass and Body Density in Young Women Using the Equations of Wilmore and Behnke
Predicting Body Density of Men from Body Measurements Using the Equations of Jackson and Pollock
Predicting Body Density of Men from Body Measurements Using the Equations of Jackson, Pollock and Ward
Predicting Body Density and Percent Body Fat of Adults from Skinfold Thickness Using the Equations of Durnin and Womersley
Predicting Body Density, Lean Body Weight and Percent Body Fat in Older Adults Males Using the Equations of Latin et al.
Estimating the Percent Body Fat from Skinfold Thickness Using the Equations of Ledesma
The YMCA Formulas for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Adults
Equations of Hodgdon and Beckett for Predicting Body Density and Percent Body Fat in Adults (U.S. Navy Equations)
Equations of Wright et al for Predicting Percent Body Fat in Adults (U.S. Marine Corps Equations)
Equations of Vogel et al for Predicting Percent Body Fat in Adults (U.S. Army Equations)
Equations of Hodgdon and Friedl for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Adults (DoD Body Composition Equations)
Equations of the Naval Health Research Center for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Adults
Equations of Bonora et al for Estimating Subcutaneous and Visceral Abdominal Adipose Tissue (SAT and VAT)
Equations of Gallagher et al for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Black and White Adults
Ratio of Waist-to-Thigh Circumferences as an Index of Centralised Adiposity
Fat Distribution (FD) Score of Ashwell et al in Females
Fat Distribution (Circumference, CFD) Score of Ashwell et al in Females
Equations of Han and Lean for Predicting the Percent Body Fat in a White Adult
Formulas of Deurenberg et al for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Patients Based on Age, Gender and Body Mass Index
Equations of Evans et al for Estimating Percent Body Fat from Skinfold Thickness in Athletes
Formula of Demura et al for Estimating Visceral Fat at the L4-L5 Level From Anthropometric, Ultrasonographic and DXA Measurements
American Council of Exercise Classification for the Percent Body Fat in an Adult
Equations of Brook for Estimating Body Density in Prepubescent Children Using Skinfold Thickness Measurements
Equations of Slaughter et al for Body Fat in Pediatric Patients
Equations of Larsson et al for Estimating Body Fat in Adults from the Weight-to-Height Ratio
Equations of Larsson et al for Estimating Body Fat in Adults Based on Height, Weight and Waist Circumference
Equations of Pongchaiyakul et al for Percentage Body Fat in Thai Adults
Equations of O'Connor et al for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Young Women
Equations of O'Connor et al for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Young Men
Equations of Visser et al for Estimating Body Density in an Older Adult
Equations of Johnston et al for Estimating Body Density in Children Using Skinfold Thickness Measurements
Equation of Fuller et al for Determining the Weight of a Patient's Body Fat
Linear Regression Equations of Davidson et al for Predicting Percent Body Fat for a Patient Based on Race, Skinfold Thickness Measurements and Other Data
Equations of Davidson et al for Estimating Percent Body Fat in an Adult Based on Skinfold Thickness Measurements
Body Adiposity Index (BAI)
Equation of Bergman et al for Percent Body Fat in an Mexican-American Adult
Equation of Loftin et al for Predicting Body Fat in Adolescent Girls in the Trial of Activity for Adolescent Girls (TAAG)
Normalized Subcutaneous Fat in the Abdominal Midline
Estimates of Ideal Body Weight in Adults (Devine and McCarron, Robinson, Hamwi)
Metropolitan Standards for Ideal Weight in Adult Men and Women
Estimating Adult Height for Blacks and Whites from Age and Knee Height
Estimating Height in Adult Blacks and Whites from Knee Height
Estimating Height and Weight in Chinese Adults Using the Equations of Peng et al
Estimating Ideal Body Weight from Height in Chinese Adults Using the Equations of Huang et al
Equations of Jarzem and Gledhill for Predicting Height in Children and Adults Based on Measurements of the Upper Extremities
Equations of Parker et al for Predicting Body Height in Adults from Arm Span, Age and Gender
Equations of Linderholm and Lindgren for Predicting Height in Caucasian Children and Adults Based on Age, Gender and Arm Span
Age Adjustment of Trotter and Gleser for Height Estimates
Estimation of Height in Bedridden Elderly Women Using Long Bone Measurements
Determining the Height of a Patient by Summation of Body Segments
Ratio of the Upper and Lower Body Segments
Estimating Stature from Supine Length
Factors of Rowland Affecting the Accuracy of Self-Reported Height and Weight in Adults
Equations of Lorentz for Estimating Ideal Body Weight for an Adult
Equations of Han and Lean for Predicting Height from Arm Span in White Adults
Predicted Normal Weight (PNWT) Equation of Duffull et al for an Obese Patient
Equations of Chumlea et al for Estimating the Height of Elderly Adult Causasian Patients Based on Knee Height With or Without Age
Equations of Bassey for Estimating Height of a European Adult from Gender and Arm Demi-Span
Ideal Body Weight Following an Amputation
Equations of Jung et al for Estimating the Weight of Geriatric Chinese in Hong Kong from Knee Length and Mid-Arm Circumference
Equations of Mohanty et al for Estimating the Height of South Indian Women from Arm Span and Leg Length
Equations of Canda for Estimating the Height of a Young Spanish Adult Female Based on Various Body Segment Measurements
Equations of Canda for Estimating the Height of a Young Spanish Adult Male Based on Various Body Segment Measurements
Weight-Height Ratio (Broca Index)
Body Mass Index (Quetelet's Index, BMI)
Ponderal Index
Obesity Index of Khosla and Lowe
Obesity Index
Fat Free Mass and Body Fat Mass Normalized for Height (FFMI and BFMI, Fat Mass Index)
The Conicity ("C") Index
Trunk Frame Index (TFI) of Ruff and Jamison
Equations of Han and Lean for Predicting Body Mass Index in White Adults Based on Weight, Lower Leg Length and Arm Span
A Body Shape Index (ABSI) of Krakauer and Krakauer
Height Estimates in Children
Weight Estimates in Children
Ideal Body Weight Estimates in Children
Equations of Zorab et al for Estimating the Height of Adolescents from the Length of the Tibia
Neonatal Ponderal Index
Estimation of Head Circumference from Body Length for Children 0-1 Years of Age
Estimating Height for Black and White Children from Knee Height
Predicted Adult Height for Girls Based on Height at Menarche
Predicted Adult Height for a Child Based on Parental Height and Height at 2 Years
Estimation of Height in Chinese Children from Body Measures Using the Equations of Cheng et al
Estimation of Height in Chinese Children Based on Arm Span, Foot Length and Long Bone Lengths Using the Equations of Cheng et al
Equations of Hibbert et al for Estimation of Height in Caucasian Children from Gender and Arm Span
Equations of Weststrate et al for Estimating the Waist-to-Hip Circumference Ratio (WHR) in Dutch Children and Adolescents
Mid-Parental Height (MPH) with Gender Adjustment
Model of Sherar et al for Predicting Adult Height for an Older Child or Adolescent
Equations of Luo et al for Predicting the Target Height for a Child Based on Parental Heights
Multipliers of Garn for Predicting a Child's Adult Height Based on Current Age and Height
The Khamis-Roche Method for Predicting a Child's Adult Height
Analysis of Engstrom et al for the Difference Between Arm Span and Height in White Children
Formula of Dubois and Dubois for Body Surface Area
Lowe's Formula for Body Surface Area
Boyd's Formulas for Body Surface Area
Mosteller's Formula for Body Surface Area
Formula of Gehan and George for Body Surface Area
Formula of Haycock et al for Body Surface Area
Linear Equation of Current for Body Surface Area in Infants and Children
Formula of Nwoye for Predicting Body Surface Area in Adult African Males
Equations of Lindahl and Okmian for Predicting Body Surface Area in Infants and Children
Formula of Nwoye and Al-Shehri for Predicting Body Surface Area in Adult Saudi Males
Equation of Jones et al for Predicting Body Surface in Young Caucasian Adult Females
Formula of Isaksson for Estimating Body Surface Area from Height and Weight
Formulas for Estimating Body Surface Area from Weight (Formulas of Biering, Lissauer, Rubner, Meeh and Vierordt)
Equations of Ogunranti for Body Surface Area in Nigerian Children
Formulas for Estimating Body Surface Area from the Sum of Height and Weight (Formulas of Breitmann and Jacobson)
Formula of Bardeen for Estimating the Body Surface Area Using the Ratio of Weight to Height
Equation of Mehra for Estimating the Body Surface of an Adult Male Indian
Linear Equation of Howland and Dana for Predicting the Body Surface Area of Infants
Formula of Reading and Freeman for Body Surface Area
Formula of von Schelling for Body Surface Area
Formula of Behnke et al for Body Surface Area Based on Girth and Height
Formula of Huwez et al for Estimating the Body Surface Area of Pediatric Patient Based on Age in Months
Equation of Banerjee and Sen for Determining the Body Surface Area of Indians
Estimated Blood Volume Based on Body Surface Area
Estimated Blood Volume in Adults Based on Body Weight
Blood Volume from Height and Weight (Formulas of Allen and Nadler)
Estimated Blood Volume in Infants Based on Body Weight
Estimated Blood Volume from Red Cell or Plasma Volume and Hematocrit
Estimated Blood Volume for Infants and Children Based on Height and Weight by Linderkamp et al
Calculation of the Circulating Blood Volume Using Indocyanine Green (ICG) Pulse Dye Spectrophotometry
Blood Volume after Amputation
Equations of Cropp for Estimating Blood Volume in Children and Young Adults
Modified Rule of Fives by Gilcher for Blood Volume
Adjusted Fetoplacental Blood Volume Between 18 and 32 Weeks Gestation
Method of Hoogeveen et al for Calculating the Fetoplacental Blood Volume
Equations of Boer for Estimating Blood Volume
Equations of Raes et al for Estimating Blood Volume in Pediatric Patients
Method of Feldschuh and Enson for Estimating Blood Volume in an Adult Based on Body Habitus
Nomogram of Rawlings et al for Blood Volume in a Polycythemic Neonate
Estimates of Gibson and Evans for Blood Volume in an Adult Based on Body Surface Area (BSA)
Equations of Wennesland et al for Estimating Blood Volume in Adult Males
Equations of Brown et al for Estimating Blood Volume in Adult Females
Equation of Brans et al for Predicting Blood Volume in a Neonate Based on Umbilical Vein Hematocrit
Equations of Russell for Total Blood Volume in Pediatric Patients Based on Body Weight
Calculating Plasma Volume from Body Surface Area
Calculating Plasma Volume in Adults from Body Weight
Calculating Plasma Volume in Infants from Body Weight
Equation of Hakim and Siami for Calculating Plasma Volume from Lean Body Weight and Hematocrit
Estimating Plasma Volume in Infants and Children from Weight Based on the Data of Linderkamp et al
Equations of Cropp for Estimating Plasma Volume in Children and Young Adults
Equation of Smith and Yarbrough for Predicting Plasma Volume in a Woman During a Normal Pregnancy
Equations of Boer for Estimating Plasma Volume
Equations of Raes et al for Estimating Plasma Volume in Pediatric Patients
Equations of Wennesland et al for Estimating Plasma Volume in Adult Males
Equations of Brown et al for Estimating Plasma Volume in Adult Females
Equations of Retzlaff et al for Estimating Plasma Volume of an Adult
Equations of Altman and Dittmer for Plasma Volume Based on Age and Body Weight
Red Cell Volume in Adults based on Body Surface Area
Red Cell Volume in Adults based on Weight
Red Cell Mass Based on Lean Body Weight
Red Cell Volume in Infants based on Weight
Whole Body Hematocrit and Venous Hematocrit
Estimating Red Cell Mass in Infants and Children from Weight Based on the Data of Linderkamp et al
Equations of Boer for Estimating Red Cell Volume
Equations of Raes et al for Estimating Red Cell Volume in Pediatric Patients
Equation of Berlin and Lewis for Estimating Red Blood Cell Volume in an Adult Using Percent Body Fat
Equation of Fairbanks for Estimating Red Cell Mass From the Hematocrit and Body Weight
Equation of Bentley and Lewis for Estimating Red Cell Mass from the Hematocrit and Body Weight
Equations of Wennesland et al for Estimating Red Cell Volume in Adult Males
Equations of Brown et al for Estimating Red Cell Volume in Adult Females
Equation of Brans et al for Predicting Red Blood Cell Volume in a Neonate Based on Umbilical Vein Hematocrit
Estimates of Balga et al for Ratio f and Estimates of Whole Body Red Cell Mass (RCM)
Equations of Retzlaff et al for Estimating Red Blood Cell Volume of an Adult
Impact of Age and Weight on Intravascular Volumes
Impact of Pregnancy on Intravascular Volumes
Clinical and Laboratory Findings Associated with the Expansion in Intravascular Volume Duirng Pregnancy
Method of Hume and Weyers for Estimating Total Body Water from Height and Weight
Method of Hume and Weyers for Estimating Total Body Water from Body Surface Area
Total Body Water from Lean Body Weight
Total Body Water from Total Body Weight
Equation of Kushner et al for Calculating Total Body Water from the Impedance Index
Total Body Water from Height and Weight in Children and Young Adults Using the Equation of Mellits and Cheek
Method of Watson et al for Estimating Total Body Water from Height and Weight
Population-Specific Equation of Chertow et al for Estimating Total Body Water in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis
Equation of Schutte et al for Estimating Total Body Water from Plasma Creatinine
Equations of Seidl et al for Calculating the Total Body Water to Blood Water Ratio (Correction Factor r for Ratio of Total Body to Blood Ethanol Concentration)
Equation of Fusch et al for Estimating Daily Water Turnover in a Pediatric Patient
Hydration Fraction of Fat-Free Body Mass
Equations of Schoeller and Luke for Calculating Total Body Water in Caucasians and Afro-Americans Using the Impedance Index
Equation of Lukaski and Bolonchuk for Total Body Water Using Tetrapolar Bioelectrical Impedance
Equation of Gregory et al for Estimating Total Body Water in Pediatric Patients Using Bioelectrical Impedance and Body Height
Equation of Segal et al for Estimating Total Body Water in an Adult Male Using Bioelectrical Impedance
Equations of Kushner and Schoeller for Estimating Total Body Water Using Bioelectrical Impedance, Gender, Height and Weight
Equations of Morgenstern et al for Estimating Total Body Water in Pediatric Patients
Equations of Friis-Hansen for Predicting Total Body Water in a Child
Equations of Mellits and Cheek for Estimating Total Body Water (TBW) in Children Based on Urine Creatinine Excretion
Equation of Hytten and Leich for Predicting Total Body Water (TBW) of a Fetus
Equations of Moore et al for Total Body Water (TBW) in an Adult from Gender, Age and Body Weight
Equations of Cheek for Estimating Total Body Water (TBW) in a Pediatric Patient
Suture Fusion and Skull Shape
Head Length, Width and the Cephalic Index
Analysis of Facial Symmetry
Measurement of Inner Canthal, Outer Canthal and Interpupillary Distances in Children
The ONO (Outer Canthal, Nasal, Outer Canthal) Angle in Children
Estimating Cranial Capacity Using the Equation of Lee and Pearson
The Palpebral Fissure Length in Fetus and Child (Caucasian)
Estimating Mouth Width from the Inter-Canine Width
Equations of Jorgensen et al for Estimating Brain Volume from the External Cranial Volume and Circumference
Equations of Dekaban for Estimating Brain Weight for Age and Gender
Slant (Obliquity) of the Palpebral Fissures
Equations of Scammon and Dunn for Estimating Brain Weight in Pediatric Patients
Body Length for Boys 0-3
Body Length for Girls 0-3
CDC 2000 Data for Body Length in Boys 0-36 Months of Age
CDC 2000 Data for Body Length in Girls 0-36 Months of Age
Weight for Boys 0-3
Weight for Girls 0-3
CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight in Boys 0-36 Months of Age
CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight in Girls 0-36 Months of Age
Head Circumference for Boys 0-3
Head Circumference for Girls 0-3
CDC 2000 Data for Head Circumference in Boys 0-36 Months of Age
CDC 2000 Data for Head Circumference in Girls 0-36 Months of Age
Height for Boys 2-18
Height for Girls 2-18
CDC 2000 Data for Body Length in Boys 2-20 of Age
CDC 2000 Data for Body Length in Girls 2-20 of Age
Weight for Boys 2-18
Weight for Girls 2-18
CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight in Boys 2-20 Years of Age
CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight in Girls 2-20 Years of Age
Growth Index
Tanner and Davies Data on Height Velocity for North American Boys
Tanner and Davies Data on Height Velocity for North American Girls
Equations of Mirwald et al for Years to Peak Height Velocity (PHV) in an Adolescent
Body Weight for Height in Boys Under 4 Years of Age
Body Weight for Height in Girls Under 4 Years of Age
CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight for Height in Boys 0-36 Months of Age
CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight for Height in Girls 0-36 Months of Age
Body Weight for Height in Boys from Age 4 to Prepubescence
Body Weight for Height in Girls from Age 4 to Prepubescence
CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight for Height in Boys 2-20 Years of Age
CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight for Height in Girls 2-20 Years of Age
Body Mass Index Percentile Curves in Children and Adolescents
CDC 2000 Data for Body Mass Index in Boys 2-20 Years Old
CDC 2000 Data for Body Mass Index in Girls 2-20 Years Old
The SD Score and Body Mass Index for Pediatric Patients in the United Kingdom Using 1990 Reference Data
Body Frame Size Determined by Frame Indices Based on Elbow Measurements
Trunk Frame Size of Ruff and Jamison
Predicting Bone Mineral Content of School-Aged Children Using the Models of Ellis et al
Equations of Horlick et al for Calculating Bone Mineral Content of Pediatric Patients Using Total Body Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)
Equations of Horlick et al for Calculating Bone Mineral Density of Pediatric Patients Using Total Body Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)
Equations of Fuller et al for Calculating Total Body Mineral Content Using Total Body Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)
Using Bioelectrical Impedance to Monitor Lymphedema in Women with Breast Cancer
Stages of Lymphedema in the Lower Extremity
Etiologic Classification of Lymphedema
Lymphoscintigram Transport Index for Evaluation of a Patient with Lymphedema
Classification of the International Society of Lymphology for Lymphedema
Clinical Features Distinguishing Lipedema from Lymphedema
Estimating the Volume of a Swollen Limb Using a Series of Truncated Cones
Method of Degnim et al for Identifying a Woman with Lymphedema of the Breast
Clinical and Pathologic Features of Massive Localized Lymphedema
Grading Dependent Edema
Vasodilatory Edema Secondary to Antihypertensive Therapy
Stages of Campisi for Peripheral Lymphedema
Estimating Muscle Mass in Men Using the Equation of Martin et al
Relative Skeletal Muscle Index (RSMI) of Baumgartner with Patient Categories Based on Body Fat and Muscle Mass
Estimating Skeletal Muscle Mass in an Adult Using the Equation of Baumgartner
Estimating Total Striated Muscle Mass Using the Equation of Schutte et al
Equation of Poortmans et al Estimating Skeletal Muscle Mass in a Pediatric Patient From Urinary Creatinine Excretion
Equations of Kuriyan and Kurpad for Total Body Muscle Mass in Young Indian Males
Equation of Heymsfield et al for Estimating Total Body Muscle Mass Based on Height and Corrected Arm Muscle Area
Equation of Marquis et al for Estimating the Cross-Sectional Muscle Area at the Mid-Thigh
Anthropometric Formulae of Housh et al for Estimating the Cross-Sectional Area of Thigh Muscles
Equation of Quiterio et al Using Height and Weight to Estimate Appendicular Lean Soft Tissue (ALST) in Adolescents
Anthropometric Model of Lee et al for Predicting Skeletal Muscle Mass in an Adult Based on Height, Weight and Race
Anthropometric Model of Lee et al for Predicting Skeletal Muscle Mass in an Adult Based on Limb Circumference, Height, and Race
Equations of Shen et al for Estimating Skeletal Muscle and Adipose Tissue Mass in an Adult Based on a Single Abdominal Cross-Sectional Image
Equations of Abe et al for Estimating Total and Regional Skeletal Muscle Mass in Young Japanese Adults
Equations of Sanada et al for Estimating Total and Regional Skeletal Muscle Mass in Japanese Adults Using Ultrasound Measurement of Muscle Thickness
Equation of Janssen et al for Estimating Skeletal Muscle Mass Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
Equation of Kim et al for Predicting Total Body Skeletal Muscle Mass in an Adult from Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) Measurement of Appendicular Lean Soft Tissue
Equations of Kim et al for Predicting Intermuscular Adipose Tissue Free Skeletal Muscle Mass in an Adult from Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
Equations of Kim et al for Predicting Skeletal Muscle Mass in a Pediatric Patient from Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) Measurement of Appendicular Lean Soft Tissue
Criteria for Sarcopenia of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP)
Classification of Sarcopenia Based on Cause
Classification of Janssen et al for the Risk of Physical Disability in an Older Adult Based on Skeletal Muscle Mass
Lumbar Skeletal Muscle Index (SMI) Based on Skeletal Muscle Area in an Abdominal CT Scan
Equations of Wang et al for Predicting Skeletal Muscle Mass from Total Body Potassium (TBK)
The Sacral Ratio
Classification of Caldwell et al for Pelvic Types With the Pelvic Brim Index
Anatomic Classification of Roubier for Hemihyperplasia
Anatomic Criteria of Wijemanne and Jankovic for Hemiatrophy
Equation of Waugh for Predicting the Amount of Water in Serum
Method of Faye and Payne to Estimate Serum Water By Measuring Chloride Concentrations
Method of Rawles for Estimating Serum Water by Measuring Osmolality and the Modification of Faye and Payne
Equation of Peters for Estimating Plasma Water
Method of Hirota et al for Estimating the Initial Distribution Volume of Glucose
Equations of Boer for Estimating Extracellular and Interstitial Fluid Volumes
Equation of Bird et al for Estimating Extracellular Fluid Volume (ECFV)
Equation of Lukaski and Bolonchuk for Extracellular Water Using Tetrapolar Bioelectrical Impedance
Equation of Segal et al for Estimating Extracellular Water in an Adult Male Using Bioelectrical Impedance
Equations of Friis-Hansen for Predicting Extracellular and Intracellular Body Water in a Child
Equations of Moore et al for Extracellular Water (ECW) in an Adult from Gender and Body Weight
Equations of Moore et al for Intracellular Water (ICW) in an Adult as Percent of the Total Body Water (TBW)
Equations of Cheek for Estimating Extracellular Volume (ECV) in a Pediatric Patient
Equations of Cheek for Estimating Intracellular Volume (ICV) in a Pediatric Patient
Thumb Length and Thumb Placement Index
Second to Fourth Digit Length Ratio and Directional Asymmetry
Wrist Index (Ratio of Depth to Width)
Hand Length to Body Height Ratio
Hand Width, Hand Length and Hand Shape Indices
Digit Index for the Third Finger
Carpal Height Ratio
Thoracic Index
Phase Angle from Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equation of Jo et al for Estimating the Length of the Thoracic Aorta in a Pediatric Patient
Equation of Bavdekar et al for Estimating the Body Weight of an Indian Child Based on Foot Length
Method of Tschaikowsky et al for Measuring Blood Volume Using Hydroxyethyl Starch
Equations of Paxton et al for the Change in Fat Mass During Pregnancy
Equation of Burmeister for Estimating Lean Body Mass Based on Total Potassium Content and Body Surface Area
Equation of Paxton et al for Fat Mass at Term for a Pregnant Woman
Equation of Huston Presley et al for Fat Mass in a Pregnant Woman at 30 Weeks of Gestation
Equations of van Raaij et al for Estimating Body Fat in a Pregnant Woman Using Total Body Water (TBW)
Equations of van Raaij et al for Estimating Body Fat in a Pregnant Woman Using Body Density (Modified Siri Equation)
Equations of Ludescher et al for Predicting Subcutaneous Fat Thickness in Adults Using Body Mass Index (BMI) for Drug Self-Injection
Equations of Ludescher et al for Predicting Subcutaneous Fat Thickness in Adults Using Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) for Drug Self-Injection
Equation of Ramiro et al for Estimating the Neutral Lateral Middle Fingertip-to-Floor Distance from Height
Equations of Akhlaghi et al for Estimating Stature of a Young Iranian Adult Based on Upper Limb Measurements
Equation of Burmeister for Estimating Total Body Water from Weight, Total Body Potassium Content and Body Surface Area
Muscle Mass Index (MMI)
Equation of Burmeister for Estimating Extracellular Fluid Volume from Body Surface Area
Equations of Chittawatanarat et al for Estimating the Height of a Thai Male Based on Anthropometric Measurements
Equations of Chittawatanarat et al for Estimating the Height of a Thai Female Based on Anthropometric Measurements
Equations of Ruff et al for Estimating Body Mass from Stature and Bi-Iliac Breadth (STBIB)
Equations of Ruff et al for Estimating Body Mass from the Diameter of the Femoral Head
Equation of Grine et al for Estimating Body Mass from the Diameter of the Femoral Head
Indexed Blood Volume of Lemmens et al for an Obese Patient
Massive Localized Lymphedema (MLL) in a Morbidly Obese Patient
Factors Associated with Post-Transplant Sarcopenia
Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a Healthy Asian Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) and the Equation of Wu et al
Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a Young Child Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) and the Equation of Clasey et al
Equation of Wang et al for Estimating Body Cell Mass (BCM)
Secondary Lymphedema
Stroke-Associated Sarcopenia
Criteria of Fearon et al for Myopenia
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Classification of Lymphedema
Equation of Cattermole et al for Estimating the Weight of an Adult or Adolescent from Mid-Arm Circumference
Equations of Neder et al for Estimating Leg Mass in Adults
Best Guess Method of Tinning and Acworth for Estimating Pediatric Weight
Mercy Tape of Abdel-Rahman et al for Estimating Pediatric Weight
Equation of Theron et al for Estimating the Weight of a Child in an Emergency
Equation of Cattermole et al for Estimating Body Weight of Children from Mid-Arm Circumference (MAC)
Predicted Neck Circumference and Percentage of Predicted Neck Circumference (PPNC)
Clinical Features of Degnim et al Associated with Breast Lymphedema
Sarcopenia Index (SI) of Kashani et al
Indications for Measuring Finger Circumference
Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) to Height Table of Mei et al for Male Children from 65 to 145 Centimeters in Height
Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) to Height Table of Mei et al for Female Children from 65 to 145 Centimeters in Height
WHO Subscapular Skinfold Thickness for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
WHO Triceps Skinfold Thickness for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
Equations of So et al for Estimating Body Weight in a Pediatric Patient
Equations of Park et al for Estimating Body Weight in Korean Children
Equation of Taufiq et al for Estimating a Newborn's Body Weight at Birth from Mid-Upper-Arm Circumference
Equations of Leffler and Hayes for Estimating a Child's Body Weight
Equation of Cattermole et al for Estimating Weight from Age in Chinese Children
Equation of Argall et al for Estimating a Child's Weight from Age
Advanced Pediatric Life Support (APLS) Equations for Estimating the Body Weight of a Child
Devised Weight-Estimating Method (DWEM) of Garland et al for Estimating the Weight of a Pediatric Patient
Equations of Erker et al for Estimating a Pediatric Patient's Weight Based on Age and Body Habitus
Estimating Weight for Age Using the WHO Child Growth Standards
Equations of Cole et al for Estimating a Child's Target Adult Height Based on Parental Height
Equations of van Dommelen et al for Adult Target Height of a Dutch Child Based on Parental Stature
Formula of Costeff for Body Surface Area (BSA) for a Pediatric Patient
Canthal Index (CI, Inner Canthal to Outer Canthal Distance Ratio)
Occipitofrontal Circumference (OFC) to Interorbital Index
Weight Change Nomogram of Paul et al for an Infant During the First Month After Vaginal Delivery
Weight Change Nomogram of Paul et al for an Infant During the First Month After Cesarean Section
Weight Change Nomogram of Miller et al for a Formula Fed Newborn During the First 2 Days After Vaginal Delivery
Weight Change Nomogram of Miller et al for a Formula Fed Newborn During the First 3 Days After Delivery by Cesarean Section
WHO Height for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Percentage
WHO Height for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score
WHO Weight for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Percentage
WHO Weight for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score
WHO Head Circumference Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Percentage
WHO Head Circumference for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score
WHO Arm Circumference for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Percentage
WHO Arm Circumference for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score
CDC 2000 Weight for Age Tables in Patients from 2 to 20 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
CDC 2000 Height for Age Tables in Patients from 2 to 20 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
CDC 2000 Weight for Age Tables in Patients from 0 to 3 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
CDC 2000 Length for Age Tables in Patients from 0 to 3 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
CDC 2000 Head Circumference for Age Tables in Patients from 0 to 3 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
Early Weight Loss Following Vaginal Delivery in a Breast Fed Neonate Based on the Study of Flaherman et al
Early Weight Loss Following Cesarean Section in a Breast Fed Neonate Based on the Study of Flaherman et al
WHO Height for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
WHO Weight for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
WHO Head Circumference for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
WHO Arm Circumference for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Standards in Malnutrition: Weight for Length in Boys from 45 to 120 cm
World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Standards in Malnutrition: Weight for Length in Girls from 45 to 120 cm
WHO Weight for Length Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Percentage
WHO Weight for Length Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score
WHO Body Mass Index (BMI) Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Percentage
WHO Body Mass Index (BMI) Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score
CDC 2000 Body Mass Index (BMI) for Age Tables in Patients from 2 to 20 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
CDC 2000 Weight for Height Tables in Patients from 2 to 20 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
CDC 2000 Weight for Length Tables in Patients from 0 to 3 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
WHO Weight for Length Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
WHO Body Mass Index (BMI) Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
Transverse Psoas Muscle Thickness to Height Ratio of Durand for Evaluating Skeletal Muscle Atrophy (Sarcopenia) in a Cirrhotic Patient
Equation of Ben Jemaa et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass in a Child Based on Impedance and Body Measurements
Equations of Cunningham for Lean Body Mass (LBM) of an Adult
Equations of Sun et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equation of Aglago et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in North African Adults
Equations of Rush et al for Estimating the Percent Body Fat of Children from Body Mass Index (BMI)
Equation of Rush et al for Estimating the Fat-Free Mass (FFM) Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equations of Hastuti et al for Body Fat in Indonesian Males
Equation of Liu et al for Estimating the Fat-Free Mass (FFM) of an Asian Child
Equations of van der Ploeg et al for Estimating the Percent Body Fat of Young Adult Australian Males from Skinfold Thickness
Equation of Heymsfield et al for Total Body Fat (TBF)
Equations of Al-Gindan et al for Predicting Total Adipose Tissue Mass (TATM)
Equations of Liu et al for Percent Body Fat in Chinese Adults
Equations of Lean et al for Percent Body Fat of Adults
Equations of de Lucia et al for Estimating the Height of an Ethiopian from the Armspan
Equations of Shahar and Pooy for Estimating Height of Older Malaysian Adults from Arm Span and Knee Height
Equations of Steele and Chenier for Height of Black and White Women Based on Age and Armspan
Equations of Hirani and Aresu for Estimating Height from Arm Demi-Span
Equations of Reeves et al for Estimating Height from Arm Span in Asian and Afro-Caribbean Adults
Equation of Galloway for Stature Shrinkage in an Aging Adult
Equations of Knous and Arisawa to Estimate Height of Elderly Japanese Adults from Knee Height
Equations of Niewenweg et al for Estimating the Height of a Dutch Adult at 21 Years of Age Based on Current Height
Equation of Jeong and Jantz for Decline in Height with Age for Adult Koreans
Protocol of Kwok and Whitelaw for Approximating Body Mass Index (BMI) Using Armspan in the Elderly
Equations of de Lucia et al for Estimating the Body Mass Index of an Ethiopian from the Armspan
Equation of Takai and Shimaguchi for Estimating Body Surface Area (BSA) for a Young Japanese Adult Male
Estimated Maternal Blood Volume at Delivery of a Term Pregnancy
Model of Morgenstern et al for Predicting Total Body Water (TBW) in a Pediatric Patient Undergoing Peritoneal Dialysis
Equation of Ben Jemaa et al for Estimating Total Body Water (TBW) in a Child Based on Impedance and Body Measurements
Equation of Wells et al for Estimating the Total Body Water of a Pediatric Patient
Equations of Sun et al for Total Body Water (TBW) Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equation of Aglago et al for Estimating Total Body Water (TBW) in North African Adults
Equations of Hastuti et al for Total Body Water (TBW) in Indonesian Males
Equation of Liu et al for Estimating the Total Body Water (TBW) of an Asian Child
Equations of Leman et al for Total Body Water (TBW) in Nigerians Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equations of Chumlea et al for Total Body Water (TBW) in Adults
Grading the Severity of Lymphosclerosis in Lymphatic Vessels
Dermal Backflow Stage in Lymphedema of the Lower Extremity Based on Indocyanine Green (ICG) Lymphangiography
Screening for Sarcopenia with SARC-F
Algorithm of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) to Screen for Sarcopenia in an Older Adult
Equations of Sergi et al for Extracellular Water Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equation of Mylott et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) Using Biolectric Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Predictive Equation of Yu et al for Lean Body Mass of an Adult
Equation of Kyle et al for Fat Free Mass in an Adult Using Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (Geneva BIA Equation)
Relative Fat Mass (RFM) of Woolcott and Bergman
Equations of Kagawa et al for Percent Body Fat in Adult Australians
Equations of Heitmann for Predicting Body Fat in Adults
Equations of Gallagher et al for Percent Body Fat in Adults
Equation of Deurenberg et al for Percent Body Fat in Adults
Equation of Peterson et al for Estimating the Body Weight for an Adult Using the Body Mass Index (BMI)
Tri-Ponderal Mass Index (TMI) of Peterson et al and Percent Body Fat
Method of Tandon for Determining the Body Mass Index (BMI) for a Patient with Cirrhosis
Body Surface Area Equations of Tikuisis et al
Equations of Shuter and Aslani for Body Surface Area (BSA)
Formula of Lee et al for Body Surface Area Using the Alginate Method
Estimates of Tikuisis et al for the Percent Body Surface Area of Different Body Segments
Formula of Fujimoto et al for Body Surface Area
Formula of Kurazumi et al for Body Surface Area in Japanese Adults
Formula of Sendroy and Cecchini for Body Surface Area
Formula of Choi for Body Surface Area in Korean Adults
Formula of Yu et al for Body Surface Area of a Chinese Adult
Formula of Niya et al for Body Surface Area in a Japanese Adult
Equations of Yu et al for Body Surface Area in Taiwanese Adults
Equations of Hannan et al for Total Body Water (TBW) Using Bio-Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equation of Kyle et al for Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass (ASMM) in an Adult Using Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equations of Hannan et al for Extracellular Water (TBW) Using Bio-Impedance Analysis (BIA)
CUN-BAE Equation of Gomez-Ambrosi et al for Estimating the Percent Body Fat of an Adult
Body Roundness Index (BRI) of Thomas et al
Equations of Lee et al for the Surface Area of the Hand
Equation of Dubois and Dubois for the Surface Area of the Hand
Equation of Mignano and Konz for the Surface Area of the Hand
Equation of Wen et al for Estimating Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass in a Chinese Adult
Equation of Sergi et al for Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass (ASMM) in an Adult Using Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equations of De Rui et al for Estimating Lean Mass of Limbs By Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA): Arms
Equations of De Rui et al for Estimating Lean Mass of Limbs By Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA): Legs
Estimate of Matsuzawa et al for Ideal Body Weight in a Middle-Aged Japanese Adult
Equations of Miller et al for Predicting Ideal Body Weight in Adults
Equations of Hammond for Predicting Ideal Body Weight in Adults
Cormic Index (Ratio of Sitting to Standing Height)
Average Body Circumference (ABC) and Body Mass Index (BMI) in Adult Women
Ratio of Height Cubed to Waist Circumference Cubed
Sitting-Height Index of Build (SHIB)
Equations of Zhu et al for Estimating Weight in a Child Less Than 6 Years Old: Using Forearm Width
Equations of Zhu et al for Estimating Weight in a Child Less Than 6 Years Old: Using Forearm Circumference
Equation of Mandelbrot et al for Fetoplacental Blood Volume
Equations of Lee et al for Measuring Total Body Water in Korean Adults on Hemodialysis
Equations of Johansson et al for Measuring Total Body Water in Adults on Peritoneal Dialysis (Sahlgrenska Equations)
Equations of Gudivaka et al for Total Body Water, Extracellular Water and Intracellular Water Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Differential Diagnosis of Leg Edema
Drug-Related Leg Edema
Idiopathic Edema
Equation of Rangel Peniche et al for Estimating Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass of an Older Mexican Adult Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equations of Yoshida et al for Estimating Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass in Older Japanese Adults Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equation of Macdonald et al for Estimating Appendicular Lean Muscle Mass Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equations of Santos et al for Estimating Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass Using Calf Circumference
Equations of Heymsfield et al for Predicting Skeletal Muscle Mass
Waist-to-Hip Ratio
Equation of Vermeiren et al for Appendicular Lean Mass in an Adult >= 80 Years of Age and Its Use to Diagnose Sarcopenia
Equation of Scafoglieri et al for Appendicular Lean Mass
Equations of Yamada et al for Appendicular Lean Mass (ALM) Based on Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equation of Castro-Porras et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a Mexican Adult
Equation Cordoba for Estimation of Body Fat (ECORE-BF) of Molina-Luque et al
Palafolls Formula of Mill-Ferreyra et al for Percentage Body Fat
Equations of Lahav et al for Estimating Body Fat in an Adult
Equations of Henry et al for Estimating the Percent Body Fat in a Chinese Adult
Equations of Zanovec et al for Predicting the Percent Body Fat of an Adult
Log-Transformed Body Shape Index (LBSI) and Its Z-Score (LBSIZ) of Chung et al
Equations of the United States EPA for Surface Area of the Hand
Surface Area of the Fingers
Equations of Sprenger et al for Predicting a Patient's Plasma Volume
Benchmarks of Madea et al for Expected Growth of a Healthy Infant or Young Child
Lymphatic Clinical Severity Score (LCSS) of Michelini et al
Criteria of Bahat et al for Sarcopenia Based on Handgrip Strength and Calf Circumference
Mini Sarcopenia Risk Assessment (MRSA) Questionnaire of Rossi et al
Equation of Kim et al for Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass in a Korean Adult
Equation of Kim et al for Estimating Body Muscle Mass from Serum Creatinine and Cystatin C
Equations of Yamada et al for Estimating Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equations of Noori et al for Estimating Lean Body Mass in Patients Receiving Maintenance Hemodialysis
Equation of Prado et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) from Skeletal Muscle Area at L3
Equations of Sandhu et al for Fat Mass in a Young Indian Adult
Body Fat Prediction Models of Merrill et al for an American Adult: Model for a Female
Body Fat Prediction Models of Merrill et al for an American Adult: Model for a Male
Equations of Aristizabal et al for Body Fat Estimation in an Adult Columbian Female
Equations of Kwok et al for Estimating Body Fat in an Older Chinese Adult
Equation of Schifferli et al for Body Mass in an Adult Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Effect of Clothing on Body Weight of an Adult
Equations of Strauss et al for Estimating the Change in Plasma Volume for a Patient
Equation of Kaplan for Estimated Plasma Volume (EPV)
Equations of Jeon et al for Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass of an Older Korean Adult Using Multifrequency Bioimpedance
Taiwan Risk Score for Sarcopenia (TRSS)
Equations of Fatmah for Estimating Height from Arm Span in Indonesian Adults
Equation of Cordain et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in an Adolescent Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equation of Van Loan and Mayclin for Estimation of Lean Body Mass
Equation of Kourkoumelis et al for Predicting Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a Pediatric Patient Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equation of de Lorenzo et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in Children
Equation of Scafoglieri et al for Appendicular Fat Mass
Model of Plows et al for the Fat Mass of an Infant
Waist Circumference to Body Mass Index Ratio
Equation of Van Loan and Mayclin for Estimation of Total Body Water
Equation of Kourkoumelis et al for Predicting Total Body Water in a Pediatric Patient Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equation of Wabitsch et al for Predicting Total Body Water (TBW) in an Obese Pediatric Patient Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Equations of Joffe et al for Total Body Water in an HIV-Positive Pediatric Patient
Equation of Masuda and Komiya for Total Body Water in a Young Japanese Child
Equation of Danford et al for Total Body Water in a Child
Equation of Davies and Gregory for Total Body Water in a Pediatric Patient
Equation of Fjeld et al for Total Body Water in a Young Pediatric Patient
Equation of Borgonha et al for Total Body Water in an Adult Indian Male
Equation of Arpadi et al for Estimating Total Body Water in an HIV-Infected Pediatric Patient
Grip Strength Adjusted for BMI as a Measure of Low Muscle Mass in an Older Adult
Equation of Albanese et al for Peritoneal Surface Area
Subparts of Albanese et al for Peritoneal Surface Area
Equation of Nguyen et al for Predicting Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a Vietnamese Child Using Bioelectrical Impedance
BIA Equation of Houtkooper et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in Pediatric Patients
BIA Equation of Horlick et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in Pediatric Patients
Equations of Tin et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in an Asian Neonate
Equation of Nguyen et al for Predicting Fat Mass (FM) in a Vietnamese Child Using Bioelectrical Impedance
Equation of Nguyen et al for Predicting Percent Body Fat in a Vietnamese Child Using Bioelectrical Impedance
Equations of Weinbrenner et al for Estimating the Height of an Older Adult from the Arm Demi-Span
BIA Equation of Horlick et al for Total Body Water (TBW) in Pediatric Patients
Risk Factors of Boughey et al for Breast Lymphedema Following Breast Surgery
Prognostic Body Composition Measures of Fujiwara et al for a Patient with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
U-TEST of Kamitani et al for the Diagnosis of Sarcopenia in an Orthopedic Patient
Screening for Sarcopenia with SARC-CALF (SARC-F+CC)
Consensus Criteria of the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia (AWGS): Primary Care Screen
Consensus Criteria of the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia (AWGS): Health Care Setting
Screening Test of Ishii et al for Sarcopenia for an Older Male
Screening Test of Ishii et al for Sarcopenia for an Older Female
Equations of Dung et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a Preterm Caucasian Infant
Neck Circumference as a Marker of Obesity
Visceral Fat Area (VFA) on an Abdominal CT Image
Lusaka Formula for Estimating Weight of a Child in Sub-Saharan Africa
Medline Method for Frame Size Based on Wrist Circumference
Body Frame Size Index and Height to Wrist Circumference Ratio
Factitious Lymphedema (Secretan Syndrome)
Equations of Sagayama et al for Estimating Skeletal Muscle Mass in an Active Young Male from Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) Data
Equations of Kim et al for Estimating Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass from Height and Total Body Fat
Equation of Rolland et al for Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass (ASMM) in Edlerly French Women
Measurements of Salk et al for a Gynecoid Pelvis
Equation of Hudda et al for Predicting Fat Mass in a Child or Adolescent
Equations of Samouda et al for Visceral Adipose Tissue (VA) in Pediatric Patients of White European Ethnicity
Equations of Samouda et al for Predicting Visceral Adipose Tissue in French Adults
Equations of Clasey et al for Estimating Abdominal Visceral Fat in Adult Men and Women
Equation of Owens et al for Predicting Visceral Adipose Tissue in Obese Pediatric Patients
Equations of Kekes-Szabo et al for Estimating Abdominal Adipose Tissue Distribution
Equations of Brundavani et al for Estimating Deep Abdominal Adipose Tissue (DAAT) in an Indian Adult
Tools of Ralston and Myatt for Estimating Weight of a Child 6 to 59 Months of Age in a Limited-Resource Setting: Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC)
Tools of Ralston and Myatt for Estimating Weight of a Child 6 to 59 Months of Age in a Limited-Resource Setting: Height
Tools of Ralston and Myatt for Estimating Weight of a Child 6 to 59 Months of Age in a Limited-Resource Setting: Stratification by Mid Upper Arm Circumference
Sarcopenia Score of Wang et al
Equations of Hogler et al for Lean Tissue Mass and Height in Pediatric Patients
Four Compartment Model of Fuller et al for Determining the Weight of a Patient's Body Fat
Equations of Enderle et al for Body Fat Mass and Visceral Adipose Tissue
Equations of Hogler et al for the Ratio of Bone Mineral Content to Lean Tissue Mass and Height in Pediatric Patients
Equations of Hogler et al for the Ratio of Bone Mineral Content to Lean Tissue Mass and Age in Pediatric Patients
Clinical Score of Gelbart et al for Quantifying Edema in a Mechanically Ventilated Child with Congenital Heart Disease
Screening for Sarcopenia with Calf Muscle Circumference (CMC) in an Older Adult
Model of Zhang and Zhu for Predicting Sarcopenia in a Patient with Colorectal Cancer
Equations of Enderle et al for Skeletal Muscle Mass
Equations of Sardinha et al for Lean Soft Tissue Mass in an Adult Using Bioelectric Impedance Analysis
Equations of Enderle et al for Extracellular Water
Equation of Lyons-Reid et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a Preschool Child
Equation of Rush et al for Predicting Fat-Free Mass in 2-Year-Old Children Using Dual X-ray Absorptiometry and Bioimpedance Analysis (BIA)
Equations of Brambilla et al for Assessing Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue in Children
Equation of So et al for Estimating Visceral Adipose Tissue (VAT) Volume in a Japanese Adult Male
Equation of Swainson et al for Percent Fat Mass from the Waist to Height Ratio
Waist Circumference to Square Root of Height (WHT0.5R) of Nevill et al
Equations of Hilberath et al for Estimating Blood Volume in Adults
Equation of Duarte et al for Estimated Plasma Volume
Equation of Montagnese et al for Total Body Water in a Pediatric Patient Using Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Models of Lu et al for Predicting Total Body Water in Pediatric Patient
Equation of Slater and Preston for Total Body Water