Vogel et al developed equations for predicting the percent body fat in adults. The equations have been used by the U.S. Army to evaluate its personnel.
(1) gender
(2) body weight in kilograms
(3) height in centimeters
(4) abdomen circumference at the level of the umbilicus in centimeters (abdomen II)
(5) neck circumference in centimeters below the larynx (Adam's apple)
(6) wrist circumference in centimeters
(7) forearm circumference in centimeters (arm abducted at 90° to body with hand supinated upwards; measurement taken at largest part of the forearm)
(8) hip circumference in centimeters at the level of greatest protrusion of the buttocks
male percent body fat =
= (76.5 * LOG10((abdomen II) - (neck circumference))) - (68.7 * LOG10(height)) + 46.9
female percent body fat =
= (105.3 * LOG10(weight)) - (0.200 * (wrist circumference)) - (0.533 * (neck circumference)) - (1.574 * (forearm circumference)) + (0.173 * (hip circumference)) - (0.515 * (height)) - 35.6
• For males: R = 0.82, SEE = 4.02
• For females: R = 0.72, SEE = 3.60