The lean body weight (LBM) of a pediatric patient or adult can be estimated from the patient's height and weight.
(1) gender
(2) age in years
(3) Tanner stage in female pediatric patients
(4) height in meters
(5) body weight in kilograms
Equations of Boer for lean body mass in adults:
lean body mass for adult males in kilograms =
= (0.407 * (body weight in kilograms)) + (26.7 * (height in meters)) - 19.2
lean body mass for adult females in kilograms =
= (0.252 * (body weight in kilograms)) + (47.3 * (height in meters)) - 48.3
Equations of Raes et al for lean body mass in pediatric patients:
lean body mass for pediatric males = equation of Boer (above)
lean body mass for a pediatric female at Tanner Stage 1 = equation of Boer for males (above)
lean body mass for a pediatric female at Tanner Stage 5 = equation of Boer for females (above)
lean body mass for a pediatric female at Tanner Stages 2 to 4 =
= average of the LBM for a female in Tanner Stage 1 and a female in Tanner Stage 5 =
= (0.3295 * (body weight in kilograms)) + (37 * (height in meters)) - 33.75