The ideal body weight for an individual can be estimated from the person's height and gender.
Equations of Devine and McCarron
According to Robinson et al (1983, page 1016, second column, first paragraph), these equations were proposed by Devine based on the empirical estimates of his mentor Dr Margaret McCarron.
ideal body weight in kilograms for males =
= 50 + (2.3 * ((height in inches) - 60))
ideal body weight in kilograms for females =
= 45.5 + (2.3 * ((height in inches) - 60))
• "60" indicates inches in 5 feet.
• Handling of patients with height under 5 feet is unclear.
• According to Robinson et al, these equations underestimate the slope and overestimate the intercept in the approximation line. These cancel each other out for people of average height but may introduce errors for those who are tall or short.
Equations of Robinson et al
ideal body weight in kilograms for males =
= 51.65 + (1.85 * ((height in inches) - 60))
ideal body weight in kilograms for females =
= 48.67 + (1.65 * ((height in inches) - 60))
• "60" indicates inches in 5 feet.
• Handling of patients with height under 5 feet is unclear. Robinson indicates that the equation for women is valid to at least 4 feet 10 inches.
NOTE: Special thanks to Dr Braslav Jovanovic for recommending this reference.
Hamwi Method
For a medium sized adult:
ideal body weight for males in pounds =
= 106 + (6 * ((height in inches) - 60))
ideal body weight for females in pounds =
= 100 + (5 * ((height in inches) - 60))
If the body frame is light, then the calculated weight should be reduced by 10%.
If the frame is heavy, then the calculated weight should be increased by 10%.
NOTE: Dr D. Bartholomeusz was able to find the original citation for the Hamwi method in Danowski (1964).
Purpose: To calculate the ideal body weight appropriate for height and gender.
Objective: other testing
ICD-10: E40-E46, E66,