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Deurenberg et al determined the fat free mass of pediatric and adult patients using bioelectric impedance. The authors are from Agricultural University of Bomenweg and Unilever Research Laboratories in the Netherlands.

Patient selection: from 7 to 83 years of age



(1) gender (with male = 1, female = 0)

(2) age in years

(3) height in meters

(4) weight in kilograms

(5) resistance from bioelectric impedance in ohms


fat free mass in kilograms for a patient 7 to 15 years old =

= (0.406 * (10^4) * ((height)^2) / (resistance)) + (0.360 * (weight)) + (5.58 * (height)) + (0.56 * (points for gender)) - 6.48


fat free mass in kilograms for a patient >= 16 years old =

= (0.34 * (10^4) * ((height)^2) / (resistance)) + (0.273 * (weight)) + (15.34 * (height)) + (4.56 * (points for gender)) - (0.127 * (age)) - 12.44



• Resistance in the study group was usually in the range of 450 to 600 ohms.

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