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Poortmans et al developed equations for estimating skeletal muscle mass in children and adolescents. One method for estimating skeletal muscle mass is based on urinary excretion of creatinine. The authors are from the Higher Institute of Physical Education and Physiotherapy (Brussels), the Free University of Brussels and the University of Poitiers (France)


NOTE: Using the urine creatinine to estimate lean body mass is discussed in 02.01.05 (above).


Patient selection: male and female subjects from 7-9 and 14-16 years of age


urinary creatinine excretion in grams per 24 hours =

= (24 hour urine volume in milliliters) / 100 * (urine creatinine in mg/dL) / 1000


skeletal muscle mass in kilograms =

= (10.62 * (urinary creatinine excretion in grams per 24 hours)) + 6.63



• The r-square = 0.73 with p < 0.001.


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