
Kagawa et al reported equations for estimating the percent body fat in adult Australians. The authors are from Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane.

Patient selection: Australian adults



(1) height in centimeters

(2) weight in kilograms

(3) body mass index (BMI)

(4) waist circumference in cm (narrowest point between the lower costal border and the top of the iliac crest)

(5) abdominal circumference in cm (at the level of the umbilicus)

(6) hip circumference in cm (greatest posterior protuberance, i.e. buttocks)

(7) sex (male 1, female 0)

(8) age of the patient in years


percent body fat =

= (1.533 * (BMI)) - (11.7 * (points for sex)) - 2.519

= (95.859 * (waist circumference to height ratio)) - (0.08 * (age)) - (13.295 * (points for sex)) - 6.137

= (92.701 * (abdominal circumference height ratio)) - (0.078 * (age)) - (11.062 * (points for sex)) - 8.339


waist to height ratio =

= (waist circumference in cm) / (height in cm)


abdominal circumference to height ratio =

= (abdominal circumference in cm) / (height in cm)

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