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Altman and Dittmer reported equations for predicting plasma volume based on age and body weight.



(1) age in years (from 0 to 90)

(2) weight in kilograms (from 0 to 90)


By Age


LOG10(plasma volume in mL/kg) =

= 1.65352 – (0.00061 * (age in years))


plasma volume in mL/kg =

= 10^(1.65352 – (0.00061 * (age))


plasma volume in mL/kg =

= 45.02 * EXP((-1) * 0.0014 * (age))


By Weight


LOG10(plasma volume in mL/kg) =

= 1.695 – (0.03481 * LOG10(weight in kg))


plasma volume in mL/kg =

= 10^(1.695 – (0.03481 * LOG10(weight in kg))


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