
Sagayama et al reported equations for estimating skeletal muscle mass from dual-energy absorptiometry (DEXA) scans of a young, active adult. The authors are from the University of Tsukuba and the National Institutes of Health and Nutrition in Japan.

Patient selection: young adult males



(1) axial lean soft tissue mass in kg from DEXA (ALST)

(2) trunk lean soft tissue mass in kg from DEXA (TLST)

(3) percent body fat (from 0 to 100)


skeletal muscle mass in kg =

= (1.03 * (TLST)) + 3.32

= (0.89 * (TLST)) + 9.0


skeletal muscle mass in kg =

= (1.09 * (ALST)) + (21.07 * (TLST) / (ALST)) - 18.91


skeletal muscle mass in kg =

= (1.21 * (ALST)) + (21.85 * (TLST) / (ALST)) - 18.41 - (035 * (percent body fat))

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