Bahat et al identified cut-offs for handgrip strength and calf circumference that can be used to identify an adult with sarcopenia. The authors are from Instanbul University and Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal in Madrid.
Patient selection: healthy adults from 18 to 39 years of age and adults > 60 years of age
Basis for sarcopenia: EWGSOP definition (European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People) using gait speed, grip strength and muscle mass
Skeletal muscle mass associated with sarcopenia:
(1) < 9.2 kg per square meter in males
(2) < 7.4 kg per square meter in females
(1) handgrip strength in kg (using a Jamar hand dynamometer)
(2) calf circumference in cm (maximum with patient standing)
(3) sex
Cut-Off for Sarcopenia
handgrip strength
< 32 kg
< 22 kg
calf circumference
< 33 cm
< 33 cm
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