
Liu et al reported equations for estimating the percent body fat in healthy middle-aged adult Chinese. The authors are from the Shangai Institutes for Biological Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard University.

Patient selection: 35-54 years old healthy male and female residents of Shanghai



(1) body mass index in kg per square meter

(2) waist circumference in centimeters

(3) sex (male = 0; female = 1)

(4) age in years


percent body fat for male =

= (0.33718996 * (BMI)) + (0.99622038 * (waist circumference)) - (0.00403169 * ((waist circumference)^2)) - 41.92778773


percent body fat for female =

= (0.32551474 * (BMI)) + (0.87135268 * (waist circumference)) - (0.00408430 * ((waist circumference)^2)) + (0.00319864 * (age) * (BMI)) - 22.46354525


percent body fat for males and females =

= (0.43756706 * (BMI)) + (0.96844999 * (waist circumference)) - (0.00406036 * ((waist circumference)^2)) + (0.06394571 * (age)) + (19.21114033 * (sex)) - (0.08813980 * (sex) * (waist circumference)) - 44.65021389

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