Purpose: To estimate the fetoplacental blood volume based on changes in fetal hemoglobin before and after intra-uterine transfusion using the method of Hoogeveen et al.
Hoogeveen et al estimated the fetoplacental blood volume using the change in fetal hemoglobin following intrauterine blood transfusion. The authors are from Leiden University in The Netherlands.
Method: The intrauterine blood transfusion was performed using the umbilical vein. Blood was sampled before and after transfusion of donor blood.
fetoplacental red cell volume before transfusion in mL =
= (volume of donor blood transfused in mL) * (donor hematocrit as decimal fraction) * (percent hemoglobin F after transfusion) / ((percent fetal hemoglobin F before transfusion) - (percent hemoglobin F after transfusion))
• The percent hemoglobin F can be expressed as either a decimal fraction or whole number.
fetoplacental blood volume in mL before transfusion =
= (fetoplacental red cell volume before transfusion in mL) / (fetal pretransfusion hematocrit as a decimal fraction)
The authors also estimated the fetoplacental blood volume from gestational age:
estimated fetoplacental blood volume in mL =
= (15.10 * (gestational age in weeks)) - 279
• The r value is 0.85
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Purpose: To estimate the fetoplacental blood volume based on changes in fetal hemoglobin before and after intra-uterine transfusion using the method of Hoogeveen et al.