The ideal body weight for a child can be estimated from gender and height.
For males 1-18 years of age and height < 5 feet:
ideal body weight in kilograms = (((height in cm) ^2) * 1.65) / 1000
For females 1-18 years of age and height < 5 feet:
ideal body weight in kilograms = (((height in cm) ^2) * 1.65) / 1000
Traub and Johnson Equations
For male 1 to 18 years of age and height < 5 feet
ideal body weight in kilograms =
= (2.05 * (e ^ (0.02 * (height in cm))))
For male 1 to 18 years of age and height >= 5 feet
ideal body weight in kilograms =
= ((height in inches over 5 feet) * 2.27) + 39 =
= (((height in inches) - 60) * 2.27) + 39
For female 1 to 18 years of age and height < 5 feet
ideal body weight in kilograms =
= (2.05 * (e ^ (0.02 * (height in cm))))
For female 1 to 18 years of age and height >= 5 feet
ideal body weight in kilograms =
= ((height in inches over 5 feet) * 2.27) + 42.2 =
= (((height in inches) - 60) * 2.27) + 42.2
Traub and Kichen Equation
For ages 1 to 17 years and height > 74 cm
ideal body mass =
= 2.396 * ((1.0188) ^ (height in cm) =
= 2.396 * (e ^ (0.01863 * (height in cm)))
Purpose: To estimate a child's ideal body weight assuming normal development.
Objective: other testing
ICD-10: E66,