
Joffe et al reported equations for estimating total body water in HIV-positive children using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). The authors are from Tufts University, University of Rochester, Harvard Medical School and University of Miami.

Patient selection: pediatric patient infected with HIV



(1) height in centimeters

(2) resistance in Ohms at 50 kHz

(3) sex

(4) weight in kilograms


total body water in liters =

= (0.608 * ((height)^2) / (resistance)) + 1.957


total body water in liters in a male =

= (0.588 * ((height)^2) / (resistance)) + 2.522


total body water in liters in a female =

= (0.647 * ((height)^2) / (resistance)) + 1.112


total body water in liters =

= (0.347 * ((height)^2) / (resistance)) + (0.271 * (weight)) + 0.892



• R-square ranges from 0.952 for the female only to 0.992 for the male only equations.

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