
Morgenstern reported equations for estimating total body water for a pediatric patient undergoing peritoneal dialysis. The authors are from Phoenix Children's Hospital, University of Heidelberg, Mayo Clinic and Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.

Patient selection: ages from 1 month to 23 years, on chronic peritoneal dialysis


Outcome: total body water in liters



(1) height in cm

(2) weight in kg

(3) gender

(4) body surface area in square meters (using the equation of Gehan and George)


total body water in liters for boys =

= (0.1 * (((height)*(weight))^0.68)) - (0.37 * (weight))

= (20.88 * (BSA in square meters)) - 4.29


total body water in liters for girls =

= (0.14 * (((height)*(weight))^0.64)) - (0.35 * (weight))

= (16.92 * (BSA in square meters)) - 1.81

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