
Weststrate et al developed equations for predicting the mean waist-to-hip circumference ratios (WHR) for a Dutch pediatric population. The WHR is one measure of body fat distribution and an increased value correlates with central obesity. The authors are from the Agricultural University Wageningen, The Netherlands.


Population: Dutch children from birth to 18 years of age (1,200 boys and 1,085 girls; all Caucasian)


waist to hip circumference ratio =

= (waist circumference in cm) / (hip circumference in cm)


mean waist-to-hip circumference ratio for males =

= 1.627 - (0.069 * SQRT(body height in cm)) + (0.005 * (age in years))


mean waist-to-hip circumference ratio for females =

= 1.539 - (0.059 * SQRT(body height in cm)) - (0.003 * (age in years))


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