
Cheng et al developed equations for predicting body height in Chinese children based on a variety of body measurements. This can be used if complete data is not available from injury, deformity or other cause.


Subjects: Chinese children in Hong Kong between the ages of 4 and 16


standing height in cm =

= (sitting height in cm) + (lower segment in cm)


Based on Sitting Height


standing height for boys in cm =

= (2.22 * (sitting height in cm)) – 27.26


standing height for girls in cm =

= (2.14 * (sitting height in cm)) – 21.17


Based on Lower Segment (Subischial Height)


standing height for boys in cm =

= (1.75 * (lower segment in cm)) + 26.56


standing height for girls in cm =

= (1.81 * (lower segment in cm)) + 22.75


Based on Arm Span


standing height for boys in cm =

= (0.92 * (arm span in cm)) + 10.84


standing height for girls in cm =

= (0.93 * (arm span in cm)) + 10.34



• R-square for the equations range from 0.97 to 0.99


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