
Cropp used dye dilution to estimate blood and plasma volumes in children and young adults. He then correlated the values with body weight, height and body surface area. The author is from the University of Colorado in Denver.


Age range for subjects: 3.5 to 41 years of age


blood volume in mL in males =

= (63.15 * (body weight in kilograms)) + 275

= (3187 * (body surface area in square meters)) - 1136

= 10^((0.008578 * (height in cm)) + 2.19)

= 10^((0.9406 * LOG10(weight in kilograms)) + 1.9577) <see NOTE>

= 10^((1.408 * LOG10(body surface area in square meters)) + 3.3034)

= (body weight in kilograms) * (75.7 - (0.114 * (body weight in kilograms)))

= (body surface area in square meters) * ((697.2 * (body surface area)) + 1312)

= (height in meters) * ((24.19 * (height in cm)) - 1524)



• The equation using LOG10(weight in kilograms)) in Table I is given with 1.4577 rather than 1.9577. When the former is used, very low values are returned. I assumed that there was a typographical error since a 4 looks like a 9. Using a 9 gives much better values.


blood volume in mL in females =

= (52.13 * (body weight in kilograms)) + 520

= (2379 * (body surface area in square meters)) - 405

= 10^((0.007173 * (height in cm)) + 2.3457)

= 10^((0.8257 * LOG10(weight in kilograms)) + 2.0982)

= 10^((1.2082 * LOG10(body surface area in square meters)) + 3.2869)

= (body weight in kilograms) * (82.4 - (0.374 * (body weight in kilograms)))

= (body surface area in square meters) * ((360.5 * (body surface area)) + 1575)

= (height in meters) * ((14.39 * (height in cm)) - 352)



• The study was performed on 20 males and 21 females from 3.5 to 41 years, consisting of 2 Blacks, 2 Hispanics and 37 Whites. These numbers seem small. The technique of dye dilution would not lend itself to large numbers of subjects.



• The correlation coefficients for the first 5 equations in males ranged from 0.96 to 0.99.

• The correlation coefficients for the first 5 equations in females ranged from 0.93 to 0.96.

• The correlation coefficients for the 6th, 7th and 8th equations are not very good.


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