Bergman et al developed the body adiposity index (BAI) as a measure of body adiposity. The authors are from the University of Southern California at Los Angeles, Kaiser Permanente Southern California Medical Group and the National Institutes of Health.
Reference method: DEXA
Population: Mexican-American adults from 18 to 67 years (from the BetaGene study)
(1) gender
(2) age in years
(3) height in meters
(4) weight in kilograms
(5) hip circumference in cm
(6) waist circumference in cm
percent body fat =
= (0.02 * (age in years)) - (11.7 * (points for gender)) - (20 * (height in meters)) + (0.14 * (weight in kg)) + (0.07 * (waist circumference)) + (0.13 * (hip circumference)) + 0.37
The equation as written does not generate the expected results. The most likely explanation is that the factor for height (-20) is not correct. It could be (-0.2). The factors for gender and age make sense, as does the factor for body weight. Percent body fat would be expected to increase with increasing hip and waist circumference.
• The authors thought that few clinicians would want to calculate a complex equation.
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