Equations of Seidl et al for Calculating the Total Body Water to Blood Water Ratio (Correction Factor r for Ratio of Total Body to Blood Ethanol Concentration)
Seidl et al derived gender-specific equations for the ratio of total body water (TBW) to blood water. This ratio is the same as the correction factor "r" used in the Widmark equation for the ratio of total body to blood ethanol concentration. The authors are from the University of Erlanger-Nurnberg in Germany.
(1) gender
(2) body weight in kilograms
(3) body height in centimeters
For females:
water of total body water to blood water = correction factor r =
= (0.004466 * (body height in cm)) - (0.006446 * (body weight in kg)) + 0.31223
For males:
water of total body water to blood water = correction factor r =
= (0.004632 * (body height in cm)) - (0.004821 * (body weight in kg)) + 0.31608
mean total body water as percent of body weight
mean blood water content as percent of body weight
from Table 1, page 73
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