
Blood volume can be estimated in men and women with formulas using the height cubed and body mass.


Allen's Formulas


blood volume for men, in liters =

= (0.417 * ((height in meters)^3)) + (0.0450 * (weight in kg)) - 0.030


blood volume for women, in liters =

= (0.414 * ((height in meters)^3)) + (0.0328 * (weight in kg)) - 0.030


Nadler's modifications of Allen's Formulas


blood volume for men, in liters =

= (0.3669 * ((height in meters)^3)) + (0.03219 * (weight in kg)) + 0.6041


blood volume for women, in liters =

= (0.3561 * ((height in meters)^3)) + (0.03308 * (weight in kg)) + 0.1833


NOTE: Blood volume based on lean body mass tends to be more accurate than that based on actual body weight.


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