
Moore et al reported equations for predicting total body water in adults.


Patient selection: from 15 to 90 years of age (races not defined)



(1) age in years

(2) gender

(3) body weight in kilograms

(4) total body water in liters


The equations were reported as (total body water) * 100 / (body weight).


(total body water for an adult male) * (100 percent) / (body weight) =

= 79.45 – (0.24 * (body weight)) – (0.15 * (age))


(total body water for an adult male) * (100 percent) / (body weight) =

= 69.81 – (0.26 * (body weight)) – (0.12 * (age))


The following equations have been rewritten to express total body water.


total body water for an adult male =

= (0.7945 * (body weight)) – (0.0024 * ((body weight)^2)) – (0.0015 * (age) * (body weight))


total body water for an adult female =

= (0.6981 * (body weight)) – (0.0026 * ((body weight)^2)) – (0.0012 * (age) * (body weight))


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