Threshold Limit Values for Mixtures of Airborne Chemicals
Time Weighted Average (TWA) for a Chemical Exposure
Excursion Factor for Maximum Short Term Chemical Exposure
Hazardous Materials Information System (HMIS)
Hazard Classification System for Dangerous Goods
Grading Crotalid Snakebites
Crotalid Snakebite Severity Score
Prognostic Factors in Green Pit Viper Bites
Indications for the Use of Antivenom in Snakebites
Crotalus (South American Rattlesnake) Snakebite Severity
Prevention of Snakebites
Management of Compartment Syndrome Due to Snakebite
Risk Factors for Severe Envenomation Following a Snakebite in Australia or New Guinea
Risk Factors for Being Bitten By a Venomous Sea Snake
Clinical Findings Following a Sea Snake Bite
Clinical Syndromes Associated with Snake Bites in Sri Lanka
Venomous Snakebite without Venom Injection ("Dry" Snakebite)
Factors That Can Increase the Number of Venomous Snakebites (Snakebite Epidemic)
Clinical Features of Envenomation by Russell's Viper
Classification of Than et al for the Coagulopathy Following a Russell's Viper Bite
Exchange Transfusion for the Management of a Russell's Viper Bite
Snake Wine
Scoring System of Pathmeswaran et al for Identifying a Snake Based on Snakebite Characteristics
Occupational Lead Poisoning
Screening Questionnaire for Lead Poisoning Risk in Children
Interpretation of Blood Lead Levels in Children
Interpretation of Blood Lead Levels in Adults
The Lead Mobilization Test in Assessing Patients for Lead Poisoning
Unstimulated Urinary Lead Excretion in Assessing Patients for Lead Poisoning
Criteria for Immediate Termination of D-Penicillamine Therapy for Lead Poisoning
The Ohio Lead Risk Score to Select a Community for Focused Lead Screening in Children
Lead Poisoning from Retained Bullets or Lead Projectiles
Prevention of Lead Exposure at an Indoor Firing Range
Risk Factors for Complications During Chelation Therapy for Lead Poisoning
CDC 2009 Blood Lead Screening Criteria for Medicaid-Eligible Children
Potential Sources of Lead Poisoning
Lead-Associated Intranuclear Inclusions in Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells
Indications of Leikin and Paloucek for Admitting a Patient with Lead Poisoning to the Hospital
Endoscopic Grading of Corrosive Burns in the Esophagus and Stomach
Management of a Patient Who Has Swallowed a Disc Battery Based on the Algorithm of Sheikh
Grades of Esophageal Stricture After Corrosive Injury
Clinitest Tablet Ingestion with Thermal Burns of the Esophagus and/or Stomach
Indications and Contraindications for Performing Endoscopy After Ingestion of an Alkali
Titratable Acid Reserve and Titratable Alkali Reserve (TAR)
Guideline of Litovitz et al for Managing a Pediatric Patient Who Has Swallowed a Disc Battery: Candidate for Conservative Management
Guideline of Litovitz et al for Managing a Pediatric Patient Who Has Swallowed a Disc Battery: Battery Lodged in the Esophagus
Guideline of Litovitz et al for Managing a Pediatric Patient Who Has Swallowed a Disc Battery: Battery in the Stomach or Beyond
Guideline of Litovitz et al for Managing a Pediatric Patient Who Has Swallowed a Disc Battery: Followup for Possible Complications
Kerosene Oil Poisoning in Children
Grading Hydrocarbon Pneumonitis
Indications for Hospitalization of a Patient Following Aspiration of a Hydrocarbon
Using Urinary Ortho-Cresol Levels to Monitor Exposure to Toluene
Myelotoxic Effects of Benzene (Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, Etc)
Fire Eater's Pneumonia
Clinical Features of Carbon Tetrachloride Poisoning
Management of a Patient with Carbon Tetrachloride Poisoning
Grading the Severity of Alkali Burns of the Eye
FHSA Rabbit Eye Irritation Test
Draize Ocular Irritation Score
Ralph Numerical Classification for Ocular Chemical Burns
Classification of Schrage et al for Chemical Burns of the Eye
Indications to Begin Empiric Therapy for Ethylene Glycol Poisoning
Estimating the Plasma Level of Ethylene Glycol from the Osmolal Gap
Indications for Hemodialysis in a Patient with Ethylene Glycol Poisoning Being Treated with Fomepizole
Dosing Regimen for Fomepizole in a Patient Poisoned with Ethylene Glycol or Methanol
Clinical Classification for the Severity of Carbon Monoxide Toxicity
Indications for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Risk Factors for Delayed Encephalopathy After Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Half-Life of Carbon Monoxide and the Impact of Oxygen Therapy
Grading Clinical Severity of Acute Central Nervous System (CNS) Dysfunction in Patients with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Clinical Features of Delayed Encephalopathy Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Prevention of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in the Home
Interpretation of the Carboxyhemoglobin Blood Concentration
Estimating the Percent of Carboxyhemoglobin in the Blood Based on Exposure (Time at a Given Level in Parts per Million CO)
Parkinsonism Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Risk Factors of Hampson and Hauff for Short-Term Mortality for a Patient with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Treated Using Hyperbaric Oxygen
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Associated with the Use of Explosives
Chronic Pulmonary Berylliosis
Clinical Grading of Latrodectus (Black Widow Spider) Envenomation
Clinical Severity of Phoneutria (Banana Spider) Envenomation
Indications for Use of Antivenom in Funnel Web Spider Envenomation
Standards of Anderson for Accurate Case Reporting of North American Loxoscelism (Brown Recluse Spider Bites)
Tarantula Bites and Urticaria (Including Ophthalmia Nodosa)
Identifying Features of a Brown Recluse Spider
Clinical Features of a Brown Recluse Spider Bite
Differential Diagnosis of a Brown Recluse Spider Bite
Bite of the Hobo Spider (Tegenaria agrestis)
Clinical Grading of Centruroides Scorpion Sting Envenomation
How to Avoid a Scorpion Sting
Risk Factors for a Severe Scorpion Envenomation
Stages of Goyffon et al for Scorpion Envenomation
Clinical Score of Nouira et al for Identifying a Patient Who Should Be Hospitalized Following a Scorpion Envenomation
Prognostic Factors of Bahloul et al for Pediatric Scorpion Envenomation
Classification of the Scorpion Consensus Expert Group for Manifestations of a Scorpion Sting
Anascorp Therapy for Scorpion Envenomation
Grading the Severity of a Nerve Gas Exposure
Management of a Patient Exposed to a Blister (Vesicant) Agent
Odors Associated with Chemical Warfare Agents
Clinical Findings in Ricin or Abrin Exposures
Guidelines of Okumura et al for the Health Care Worker Response to a Chemical Mass Casualty Event
Findings That May Indicate Release of a Chemical Toxin
Clinical Effects of Phosgene
Differential Diagnosis of Mushroom Intoxication by Symptoms
Diagnosis of the Phalloides Syndrome
Psilocybin (Magic Mushroom) Syndrome
Muscarine Mushroom Poisoning with Cholinergic Symptoms
Muscimol or Ibotenic Acid Poisoning with the Hallucinogenic Amanita Mushrooms (Pantherina Syndrome, Glutaminergic Neurotoxicity)
Gyromitrin Poisoning
Coprine Mushroom Poisoning with Disulfiram-Like Reaction to Alcohol
Mushroom Poisoning Causing Primarily Gastrointestinal Irritation
Orellanus Syndrome with Late-Onset Renal Failure Due to Cortinarius Mushrooms
Paxillus Mushroom Syndrome
Toxic Rhabdomyolysis Associated with Tricholoma Equestre Mushrooms
Questions to Ask a Patient with a Mushroom Intoxication
Histopathologic Findings in a Patient with Amanita Phalloides Poisoning
Risk Factors of Escudie et al for Liver Transplantation Following Amanita phalloides Poisoning
Decision Model of Ganzert et al for Managing a Patient Exposed to Amatoxin
Draize Skin Irritation Score
Skin Lesions Associated with Salt Water and Cationic Solutions
Alkali Burns of the Skin Associated with Wet Cement (Cement Burns)
Chloracne and Occupational Acne
Skin Burn Associated with Povidone Iodine
Grading Reactions to Hymenoptera (Wasp, Bee, Ant) Stings
Identification and Prevention of Fire Ant Attacks Within Health Care Facilities
Paederus Dermatitis and the Blister Beetle (Spanish Fly)
Lepidopterism and Toxic Irritative Caterpillar Dermatitis
Intoxication Following Dermal Contact with the Lonomia Genus Caterpillar
Pruritic Dermatitis Associated with Hairs of the Moth Hylesia
Estimating the Lethal Number of Honey Bee Stings
Skin Lesions in a Patient with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Associated with Known or Presumed Arthropod Bites
Abnormal Insect Bite Reactions in an HIV-Positive Patient
Australian Bull and Jumper Ants (Genus Myrmecia)
Steps for Avoiding Bee and Wasp Stings
Risk Factors for a Significant Adverse Outcome Following a Bee or Wasp Sting
Serum Sickness to a Bee or Wasp Sting
Accidental Swallowing of a Bee or Wasp
Cassavism and Tropical Ataxic Neuropathy (Konzo, Mantakassa)
Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum)
Jamaican Vomiting Sickness Following Ingestion of Ackee Fruit
Absinthe, Wormwood and Thujone
Khat Intoxication
Djenkol Bean
Lathyrus (Grass Pea) and Lathyrism
Salvia divinorum and Thujone
Peyote Cactus and Mescaline
Amygdalin and Laetrile from Apricot and Other Fruit Pits
Meadow Saffron and Colchicine Poisoning
Poinsettia Exposure
Solanine Toxicity Associated with Potatoes
Mistletoe (Phoradendron) Exposure
Morning Glory (Ipomoea)
Goldenseal (Hydrasis)
Aristolochia, Aristolochic Acid and Chinese Herbal Nephropathy
Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens, American Dwarf Palm)
Pennyroyal Oil
Ephedra (Ma Hwang, Ma Huang, Mormon Tea)
Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium)
Rhododendron Intoxication
Lima Beans
Lupin Beans and Lupinosis
Bloodroot (Red Root, Sanguinaria)
Pokeweed (Phytolacca)
Star Fruit (Averrhoa carambola)
Breynia officinalis (Chi R Yun)
Phytodermatitis with Pseudo-Burn Following Exposure to Ranunculacea, Including Ceratocephalus falcatus
Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides)
Fatal Plant Mixups: Autumn Crocus (Meadow Saffron) versus Bear’s Garlic
Lily of the Valley (Convallaria)
Toxicity of Ibogaine and Noribogaine (Tabernanthe iboga)
Cadmium and OSHA Recommended Action Levels for Exposed Workers
Symptom Severity Scale of Lange for Ciguatera Fish Poisoning
Treatment Monitoring Scale of Lange for Ciguatera Fish Poisoning
Reducing the Risk of Ciguatera Fish Poisoning
Painful Sexual Intercourse Associated with Ciguatera Fish Poisoning
Prevention of Jellyfish Stings and First Aid
Criteria for a Major Chirodropid (Box Jellyfish) Sting
The Irukandji Syndrome
Seabather's Eruption (Sea Lice) Associated with Jellyfish Larvae
Criteria for Hospital Admission After Acute Nicotine Ingestion
Equation of Doll and Peto for Predicting Annual Lung Cancer Incidence in Cigarette Smokers
Criteria for Nicotine Withdrawal Disorder of the American Psychiatric Association
Contraindications to the Use of Nicotine Gum for Smoking Cessation
Clinical Findings and Risk Factors for Green Tobacco Sickness (GTS) in Tobacco Farmworkers
Calculating Pack Years in a Cigarette Smoker
The U.S. Public Health Service Algorithm for Treating Tobacco Use
Preventing Relapse in a Person Who Has Stopped Tobacco Use
Dosing Nicotine Replacement Products
Criteria of Ferry for Identifying a High Risk Smoker
Measuring Nicotine Metabolites and Tobacco Alkaloids to Document Tobacco Use
Acute Confusional State or Delirium in the Hospital Associated with Acute Nicotine Withdrawal
Prognostic Factors in Tick Paralysis
Clinical Features Seen in Tick Paralysis
Criteria for the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome
Histamine Poisoning (Scombrotoxism, Scombroid Fish Poisoning)
Clinical Stages of Fukuda and Tani for Fugu (Puffer Fish) Poisoning
Clinical Features of Envenomation from a Blue Ringed Octopus Bite
Haff Disease
Criteria for the Possible Estuary-Associated Syndrome (PEAS) Following Exposure to Toxic Pfiesteria Complex (TPC)
Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP)
Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning (NSP)
Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP)
Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP)
Classification of the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute for the Concentration of Karenia brevis in Seawater
Symptoms Associated with Aerosolized Brevetoxin During a Red Tide Event
Estimating Plasma Levels of Methanol and Formic Acid from Chemistry Tests
Indications for Hemodialysis in a Patient with Methanol Poisoning Being Treated with Fomepizole
Indications for Starting Therapy in a Patient with Known or Suspected Methanol Poisoning
Sources and Manner of Methanol Exposure
Clinical and Laboratory Findings in a Patient with Methanol Poisoning
Algorithm of Hovda et al for Managing a Patient with Methanol Poisoning Based on the Anion and Osmolal Gaps
Making a 10 Percent Ethanol Solution for Intravenous Infusion to Treat a Patient with Methanol Poisoning
Monitoring a Patient During an Intravenous Infusion of Ethanol for Methanol Poisoning
Prognostic Factors of Sanaei-Zadeh et al for a Patient with Methanol Poisoning
Chlorine and Chloramine Gas from Household Cleaners
Clinical Findings in Bromism (Bromide Intoxication)
Clinical Findings in Bromine Exposure
Clinical Findings in Chlorine Exposure
Clinical Intoxication After Ingestion of Sea Hare Mollusks (Dolabella auricularia)
Bromide Intoxication Associated with Dead Sea Salt Consumption
Semiquantitative Grading of Asbestosis Using the 1982 CAP-NIOSH Criteria
Method of Vollmer and Roggli for Estimating Asbestos Body Density from Histologic Sections of Lung
Simplified Histologic Grading of Pulmonary Fibrosis Associated with Asbestosis
Criteria of Garrett et al for Aluminum Encephalopathy
Risk Factors for Aluminum Intoxication in a Patient with Renal Failure
The Deferoxamine (DFO) Test for Aluminum Intoxication
Estimating Aluminum Content in Bone from the Length of Stainable Aluminum
Pufferfish Poisoning with Saxitoxin
Diagnosis of Methemoglobinemia
Therapy for Methemoglobinemia
Clinical and Laboratory Features of Sulfhemoglobinemia
Methemoglobinemia in a Dialysis Patient Associated with Chloramine in a Municipal Water Supply
Methemoglobinemia Associated with Benzocaine in Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications
Reasons Why a Patient with Methemoglobinemia May Fail to Respond to Methylene Blue Therapy
Half-Life of Methemoglobin in a Patient with Methemoglobinemia
Dapsone-Induced Methemoglobinemia During Prophylactic Therapy for Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumonia
Algorithm for Management of a Household Cleaning Product Ingestion
Differentiation of Mothballs Containing Naphthalene from Mothballs Containing para-Dichlorobenzne
Signs and Symptoms of Acute Naphthalene Poisoning Following Exposure to Mothballs
Risk Factors for Severe Toxicity After Exposure to Mothballs
Phosphate Poisoning After Ingestion of a Laundry Detergent
Recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics for the Prevention of Accidental Poisoning in the Home
Risk Factors of Sabapathy for Accidental Ingestion of a Pesticide in the Home
Silicosis Associated with Inhalation of Silica-Containing Scouring Powder
Symptoms Associated with Nitroglycerin Exposure from Dynamite
Clinical Findings in Chronic Selenium Poisoning
Clinical Features in Acute Selenium Poisoning
Estimating Serum Levels of Isopropanol and Acetone from the Osmolal Gap
Clinical Findings in a Patient with Isopropanol Poisoning
Frequency for Determination of Medical Fitness to Wear a Respirator
Determining the Medical Fitness of a Person to Wear a Respirator
Additional Fit Testing for a Person with Interval Changes That Could Affect Respiratory Fit
Clinical Stages of Chronic Arsenic Toxicity
Clinical Finding in Acute Arsenic Poisoning
Clinical Features of Acute Arsine Gas Poisoning
Exposure History for a Patient with Arsenic Poisoning
Arsenic Poisoning Following Contact with Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) Treated Wood
Risk Factors for Gila Monster Envenomation
Clinical Findings in Gila Monster Envenomation
Prevention of Venomous Fish Stings in Swimmers
Clinical Features of Stonefish Envenomation
Clinical Features of Stingray Envenomation
Clinical Features of a Catfish Sting
Clinical Features of a Weeverfish Sting
Clinical Features of a Lionfish (Zebrafish) Sting
Clinical Features of Sea Urchin Envenomation
Managing a Patient with Sea Urchin Envenomation
Clinical Features of Envenomation from a Crown-of-Thorns Starfish
Injuries Associated with Envenomation by the Scorpionfish
Millipede (Diplopoda) Toxin Exposure
Metal Fume Fever
Risk Factors for Inhalation of Hydrofluoric Acid
Clinical Features of Hydrofluoric Acid Burns
Preparing Neutralizing Treatments for Hydrofluoric Acid Exposure
Systemic Intoxication Following Exposure to Hydrofluoric Acid
Dietary Recommendations for Young Children and Pregnant or Nursing Mothers to Avoid Excess Mercury in Fish or Shellfish
Complications from Chronic Use of Mercurous Chloride (Calomel) Laxatives
Clinical Features of Acrodynia (Pink Disease) in a Child Following Exposure to Mercury
Clinical Features Following Ingestion of Inorganic Mercury
Clinical Features Following Ingestion of Methyl Mercury (Organic Mercury, Minamata Disease)
Clinical Features Following Injection of Elemental Mercury
Complications Following Topical Application of Mercury to the Skin
Clinical Features of Chronic Exposure to Elemental Mercury Vapor (Erethism. Chronic Mercurialism)
Clinical Features of Acute Exposure to Elemental Mercury Vapor
Sources of Mercury Poisoning in the Home
Risk Factors for Central Neurotoxicity Following Exposure to Mercury
Grading Mercury-Induced Tremor
Mercury Content in Various Marine Crustaceans, Fish and Shellfish
Risk Factors for Mercury Poisoning Related to Cinnabar or Cinnabarite
Nitrite Abuse and Poisoning
Use of Atropine in a Patient with Cholinergic Symptoms After Organophosphorus or Carbamate Pesticide Poisoning
Response to a Test Dose of Atropine in a Patient with an Uncertain Exposure to an Organophosphorus or Carbamate Pesticide
Prognostic Curves of Hart et al for Acute Paraquat Intoxication
Predictive Line of Proudfoot et al for Acute Paraquat Intoxication
Classification of Vale et al for the Severity Acute Paraquat Intoxication
Severity Index of Paraquat Poisoning (SIPP) of Sawada et al
Classification of Talbot et al for Acute Intoxication with the Herbicide Roundup (Glyphosate)
Classification of Alarcon et al for the Severity of Acute Pesticide Intoxication
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Toxicity Categories for Pesticides
Recommendations of Alarcon et al for Reducing Pesticide Drift from Farmland
Recommendations of Alarcon et al for the Safe Application of Pesticides in Schools and Other Buildings
Clinical Findings After Exposure to Hydrogen Cyanamide
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Acute Toxicity Categories Pesticides
Toxicogenetics of Paraoxonase (PON1) in Farmers Affected by Organophosphates Used in Sheep Dip
Toxic Effects of the Rodenticide PNU (Vacor)
Risk Factors for a Toxic Exposure to a Total Release Fogger (TRF)
Clinical Signs and Symptoms Following Exposure to a Total Release Fogger
CDC Classification Matrix for Establishing Exposure to a Total Release Fogger
Clinical Features of the Intermediate Syndrome Following Organophosphate Poisoning
Chronic Neuropathy Affecting Upper Motor Neurons Following Exposure to Triorthocresylphosphate (TOCP, Tricresylphosphate, Jamaican Ginger Jake, Jake Leg)
Toxic Effects of Barium Carbonate
Prognostic Factors of Shadnia et al for Outcome Following Acute Organophosphate Poisoning
Toxic Effects of Methyl Bromide (MeBr)
CDC Recommendations for Worker Safety When Using a Fumigant
Fumigant Warning Agent (Clearing Agent)
Acute Exposure to Sulfur Dioxide
Clinical Features of an Acute Exposure to Hydrogen Sulfide
Carbon Disulfide (CS2) Encephalopathy
Neurologic Toxicity in Chronic Manganese Exposure (Pseudo-Parkinsonism, Manganese Madness)
Symptoms of Stings from Conus Snails That Prefer Fish
Symptoms of Stings from Conus Snails That Hunt Molluscs
Ways to Prevent Conus Snail Envenomation
Clinical Findings in Acute Strychnine Poisoning
When to Suspect of Acute Strychnine Poisoning
Clinical Features of Intoxication Following Exposure to the Colorado River Toad
Toad Toxicity Associated with Digoxin-Like Bufotoxins
Clinical Findings in Poisoning with Sodium or Potassium Azide
Clinical Effects of Pepper Spray (Oleoresin Capsicum, OC)
Factors Associated with a Serious Adverse Effect Following Exposure to a Tear Gas
Clinical Findings Following Exposure to a Tear Gas
Triaging the Patient Exposed to Tear Gas
Risk Factors for Being Exposed to Mycotoxins
Clinical Findings in an Exposure to Ergot Alkaloids
Clinical Findings of Stahl et al Following Exposure to Tricothecenes
Risk Factors for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Patient Exposed to Aflatoxins
Risk Factors for Aspergillus Growth and Aflatoxin Production
Acute Aflatoxicosis (Acute Aflatoxic Hepatitis)
Spectrum of Illness Associated with Aflatoxins
Fusariosis, Akakabi-Byo Disease and Alimentary Toxic Aleukia
Release of Oxygen from Hydrogen Peroxide
Caustic Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide
Clinical Findings Suggesting Hydrogen Peroxide Exposure
Styrene Exposure Index of Juntunen et al
Accidental Ingestion of Copper Salts from Copper Utensils
Blue-Green Algae Intoxication (Cyanobacterial Toxins)
Toxic Honey Associated with Plant Toxins
Toxic Oil Syndrome (Toxic Rapeseed Oil)
Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome (EMS) Associated with 3-Phenylaminoalanine Contaminating L-Tryptophan Preparations
Clinical Features of White Phosphorus Burns
Histologic Score of Eldad et al for Renal Damage Caused by Phosphorus Poisoning
Histologic Score of Eldad et al for Hepatic Damage Caused by Phosphorus Poisoning
Histologic Score of Eldad et al for Chemical Skin Burn Caused by Phosphorus Poisoning
Causes of Zinc Intoxication
Clinical Findings in Zinc Intoxication
Bismuth Encephalopathy
Clinical Findings in Bismuth Poisoning
Acute Toxicity Associated with Hexavalent Chromium
Occupational Skin and Nasal Complications Associated with Chromium
Management of Acute Dichromate Poisoning
Blackjack Disease (Hand Dermatitis in a Card Player)
Shoe Dermatitis (Foot Dermatitis) Due to Chromate Exposure
Clinical Findings in Acute Thallium Poisoning
Clinical Findings in Acute and Chronic Formaldehyde Exposure
Exposure to Formaldehyde and Risk for Sinonasal Carcinoma
Sources of Exposure to Formaldehyde
Clinical Findings Following Exposure to Tributyltin
Acute Limbic-Cerebellar Syndrome Following Exposure to Trimethyltin
Metal Fume Fever or Stannosis Following Inhalation of Inorganic Tin Compounds
Clinical Findings Following Exposure to Triphenyltin
Neurotoxicity Associated with Trimethyltin or Triethyltin
Clinical Features of Carbon Dioxide Poisoning
Situation Associated with Carbon Dioxide Poisoning
Hypercapnic Coma (Hypercapnic Narcosis)
Risk Factors for Silicone Embolization
Clinical Findings in Silicone Embolization to the Lung (Silicone Pulmonary Embolization or Pneumonitis)
Adverse Effects of Injected Silicone
Podoconiosis (Silica-Related Non-Filarial Elephantiasis)
Acute Silicoproteinosis
Accelerated Silicosis
Chronic Silicosis
Silica Nephropathy
Autoimmune Disorders Associated with Silicosis
Desert Lung
Empty Bed Contact Time (EBCT) for Activated Charcoal or Other Water Treatment Medium
Systemic Effects of Cobalt Intoxication
Cobalt Toxicity Associated with an Orthopedic Implant
Heavy Metal Lung Disease in Workers Inhaling Cobalt and Tungsten Metal Dust (Cobalt Lung)
Cobalt Cardiomyopathy (Beer Drinker's Cardiomyopathy)
Neurotoxic Triad of Shaerf and Mann for a Patient with a Orthopedic Joint Prosthesis
Clinical Findings in Acute Phosphine Gas Exposure
Risk Factors for Exposure to Phosphine Gas
Flammability and Explosivity of Phosphine Gas
Prognostic Factors of Shadnia et al for a Patient with Acute Aluminum Phosphide Poisoning
Risk Factors of Mathai and Bhanu for Mortality Associated with Acute Aluminum Phosphide Poisoning
Clinical Findings in an Acute Exposure to Anhydrous Ammonia
Release of Ammonia Gas from Chicken Manure
Clinical Findings in Acute Tellurium Poisoning
Clinical Findings of Hydrogen Telluride Gas Inhalation
Sources of Tellurium Poisoning
Sea Turtles and Chelonitoxism
Initial Isolation and Protective Action Distances for an Outside Evacuation
Clinical and Laboratory Findings Associated with Acute Barium Poisoning
Mixed Trauma and Barium Poisoning in Accidents Involving a Barium Salt
Occupations and Other Situations Where a Person May Be Exposed to Nitrogen Oxides
Signs and Symptoms of Acute Exposure to a Nitrogen Oxide
Delayed Presentation of Acute Lung Injury Following an Exposure to Nitrogen Oxide
Bronchiolitis Obliterans Following Exposure to Nitrogen Oxides (Subacute Pulmonary Toxicity)
Recommendations to Avoid Nitrogen Dioxide Exposure in an Indoor Ice Arena
Urine Fluorescence in Ethylene Glycol Intoxication
Yellow Sac Spider
Risk Factors for Yellow Jacket Envenomation
Cellulitis vs Pseudocellulitis Following a Wasp or Hornet Sting
Theobromine in Cocoa (Chocolate)
Euphorbia and the Risk of Ocular Toxicity
Renal Tubular Osteomalacia Associated with Chronic Cadmium Poisoning (Itai-Itai)
Clinical Features of Acute Cadmium Poisoning
Impact of Cadmium Exposure on the Development of Emphysema
4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL) in the Detection of Active Smoking
Detecting a Smoker Trying to Avoid Detection
Acute Intoxication Associated with the Transdermal Nicotine Patch
Risk Factors for Intoxication with an Organophosphate-Containing Pest Strip
Categories of Threshold Limit Values (TLV) for a Chemical Exposure
Generation of Carbon Monoxide By Combining Formic and Sulfuric Acids
Predictors of Kudo et al for Delayed Encephalopathy in a Person with Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Clinical Effects of Adamsite (DM)
Clinical Effects of 3-Quinuclidinyl Benzilate (BZ, QNB)
Clinical Comparison of Somerset for Distinguishing Various Bites and Injuries Caused by Insects and Other Nuisances
Aconitum Alkaloids Used in Traditional Medicine
Black Locust Tree (Robinia pseudoacacia)
Symptom Classes of Chateau-Degat for a Patient with Acute Ciguatera Disease
Chronic Fatigue, Pain and Other Neurologic Sequelae to Ciguatera Poisoning
Clinical Findings That May Distinguish Acute Ciguatera Exposure to Other Types of Food Poisoning
Model of Hirsch et al for Estimatiing the Dialysis Time Required for a Patient Who Has Ingested a Toxic Alcohol
Preventing Exposure of Young Children to Concentrated Laundry Detergent Pods
Sponge Dermatitis
Predictors of Lee et al for Survival After Acute Paraquat Poisoning
Suicide By Inhalation of Hydrogen Sulfide (Detergent Suicide)
Deposition of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Human Adipose Tissue
Types of Environmental Pollution
Vinyl Chloride Disease
Liver Tumors Associated with Exposure to Vinyl Chloride
Lead Poisoning from Toys or Cheap Jewelry
Classification of Zargar et al for Endoscopic Appearance of Caustic (Corrosive) Mucosal Injury
Clinical Features of Hexane Exposure
Predictors of Shen et al for Duration of Mechanical Ventilation Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Predictors of Cha et al for Myocardial Injury Associated with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Skin Burns Caused by Exposure to Gastric Acid (Vomit-Related Skin Burn, PEG Site Burn)
Meat Tenderizer (Papain) in the Treatment of Jellyfish Stings
Adverse Effects Associated with Electronic Cigarettes (E-Cigarettes, Vaporizers)
Toxic Effects of Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach) Exposure
Polymer Fume Fever
Frying Pan Fever (Polymer Fume Fever from an Overheated Cooking Pot)
Interpretation of a Direct-to-Consumer Urine Test for Mycotoxins
Esophageal Complications in Survivors of Phosphide Ingestion
Spontaneous Self-Ignition in a Patient with Poisoned with a Phosphide Compound
Cardiovascular Dysfunction in a Patient Poisoned with a Phosphide Compound
Palytoxin Intoxication from Zoanthid Marine Corals in an Aquarium
Early Morning Neuroparalytic Syndrome (EMNPS) Associated with Krait Snakebite
Blindness Following a Snake Encounter
Risk Factors of Hsu et al for a Snakebite-Associated Compartment Syndrome
Blue Coral Snake
Sudden Death in Oil and Gas Extraction Workers Following Exposure to Hydrocarbon Gases and Vapors (HGVs)
Turpentine Oil Poisoning Following Ingestion
Topical Use of Henna (Lawsonia inermis) Causing Hemolytic Anemia in a Patient with G6PD Deficiency
Veratrum (White or False Hellebore)
Brinkman Index (BI) for Cigarette Use
Toxicity of Vanadium Oxides
Risk Factors of Sankar et al for Poor Outcome for a Child Following a Snake Envenomation in India
Case Criteria for Identifying a Snakebite and Severe Envenomation
Recurrent and Persistent Snake Envenomation
Predictors of Kalantri et al for In-Hospital Mortality in Rural India Following a Snake Bite
Lead, Thallium, Zinc and Other Metals Contaminating Heroin
Hazards Associated with Methane
Inhalation Toxicity Associated with Turpentine
Cherry Red Color of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Clinical Findings of Acute Berylliosis (Acute Beryllium Disease, ABD)
NOT RECLUSE Mnemonic of Stoecker et al for Excluding a Brown Recluse Spider Bite
Scorpion Toxic Myocarditis and Scorpion Cardiomyopathy
Henbane (Hyoscyamus Species)
Boldo (Peumus boldus)
Organophosphate-Induced Delayed Neurotoxicity (OPIDN)
WHO Recommendations for the Safe Use of Pesticides in Mosquito Control
Toxicity of Imidacloprid and Other Neonicotinoid Insecticides
Ophthalmologic Effects and Sequelae of Thallium Poisoning
Prussian Blue (Ferric Hexacyanoferrate, Radiogardase) in the Therapy of Thallium or Cesium Poisoning
Chemical Skin Burns Due to Phenol
Systemic Toxicity Associated with Phenol Poisoning
Medical Uses of Phenol
Acute Toxicity of Creosote After Ingestion
Risk Factors for Chronic Exposure to Creosote
Health Effects of Chronic Creosote Exposure
Clinical and Laboratory Features of Cesium Intoxication
Hazard Identification Number (HIN)
Compatibility Groups for Explosives (Class 1 Dangerous Goods)
Dangerously Reactive Chemicals
Pyrophoric Chemicals (Pyrophoricity)
Ethanol Abuse and Potentiation of Carbon Tetrachloride Hepatotoxicity
Toxicity Associated with Exposure to Coke Oven Emissions
Subacute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and a Flu-Like Illness
Scorpion Sting Nephropathy
Floating Fire Ant Colonies in a Flood
Clinical Features of Contact with the Southern Flannel Caterpillar (Megalopyge, Asp or Puss Caterpillar)
Giant Hogweed (Heracleum Species)
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
Angel's Trumpet (Gardener's Pupil, Unilateral Mydriasis with Anisocoria)
Delayed Jellyfish Envenomation Syndrome (DJES)
Fragrance Sensitivity
Toxic Gases Released When Chemical Compounds Come Into Contact with Water
Pneumomediastinum Following Ingestion of Paraquat
Risk Factors for Poor Outcome for a Patient with Organophosphate Poisoning
ICU Scoring Systems for Evaluating a Patient with Organophosphate Poisoning
Toxicity Associated with 4,4'-Methylenedianiline (MDA) Exposure
Melamine Toxicity Associated with Adulteration of Milk or Infant Formula
Zinc Toxicity Associated with Denture Adhesive Cream
Wind Speed Estimate for a Hazardous Spill Site
Shelter in-Place in Response to a Hazardous Spill
Toxicity of Ethylene Oxide
1,3-Butadiene (Vinylethylene, Divinyl)
OSHA Hazards Associated with Spray Painting of Ships in a Shipyard
Shiitake Mushroom Flagellate Dermatitis (Toxicoderma)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Venomous Snakes
Toxicokinetics of Lead Deposited in Bone
Toxicity of 4-Aminobiphenyl
Toxicity of Methylene Chloride (Dichloromethane)
Placement of a Carbon Monoxide Detector
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in a Vehicle with a Snow-Obstructed Exhaust System
Clinical and Laboratory Markers of Grieb et al for Severity of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Caterpillar Dermatitis and Other Conditions Associated with the Oak Processionary Moth (OPM)
Management of Exposure to the Oak Processionary Moth (OPM)
Anthia sexmaculata (Eye Squirter)
Adverse Effects of Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)
Narcissus Toxicity (Daffodil, Pink Parasol)
Toxicity Associated with Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus)
Phytophotodermatitis Associated with Pastinaca sativa (Hobo Parsnip, Wild Parsnip)
Jequirity Bean (Abrus precatorius) and Abrin
Envenomation by the Portuguese Man-o' War (Physalia physalis)
Castor Bean and Ricin (Ricinus communis)
Ethanol Protocol for the Treatment of Methanol Intoxication
Clinical Severity of Chlorine Gas Inhalation
Hazards of Total Release Foggers (TRF, Bug Bomb)
Modified APACHE II Systems (MAS) of Eizadi-Mood et al for Organophosphate Poisoning
Tremor and Neurotoxicity Associated with the Mycotoxin Penitrem
Ice Hockey Lung (Nitrogen Dioxide Pneumonitis)
1,1,2-Trichlorethylene (TCE)
Clinical Toxicity of Bronopol
Intoxication with Diethylene Glycol
Pulmonary Disease in a Patient Exposed to Isocyanates
Adverse Effects of Acrylonitrile
Glass Dust
Cardiac Toxicity of Cobra Venom
Lead Ingested in the Diet
Toxicity of Chloroform Ingestion
Haber's Rule
Immune Hemolytic Anemia in Paxillus Mushroom Poisoning
Chondrodendron tomentosum and Other Sources of Curare
Common Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium)
Risk Factors of Paasma et al for a Poor Outcome After Methanol Poisoning
Prognostic Factors of Hassanian-Moghaddam et al for a Patient with Methanol Poisoning
Agent Orange
Dyschromatopsia (Distorted Color Vision) Associated with Styrene Exposure
Snake Bite on the Scrotum
Degree of Intoxication Following a Snakebite
Lead Poisoning from a Folk Remedy or Alternative Medicine
Toxicity of Jet Fuels (JP-5, JP-8, A-1, Etc)
Lactate Gap Associated with Ethylene Glycol
Cerbera odollam (Suicide Tree)
Cycas revoluta (Sago Cycad, Sago Palm)
Water Lily (Nymphaea Species)
Oral Ethanol Loading Dose for Methanol or Other Toxic Alcohol Poisoning
Algorithm of Moss et al for Identifying the Composition of a Mothball
Brucine Poisoning
Examination of Hair in Thallium Poisoning
Neurological Sequelae of Thallium Poisoning
Clinical Effects of Thorium Exposure
Hydrogen Fire and Explosion
Criteria of Lavonas et al for Discharge After a Crotaline Snakebite
Criteria of Lavonas et al for Consulting an Expert About a Crotaline Snakebite
Delayed Coagulopathy Following a Crotaline Snakebite
Therapies to Avoid When Treating a Snakebite
North American Coral Snake
Inhalation of Lead Oxide Fumes
Adverse Effects Associated with Asphalt
Indications for Fomepizole Therapy in a Patient with Possible Ethylene Glycol Poisoning
Recognition of an Exposure to a Nerve Agent in the Emergency Department
Novichok and Other Organophosphorus Nerve Agents (OPNA)
Hapalopilus rutilans Poisoning (Polyproic Mushroom Poisoning)
Mesenteric Phlebosclerosis and Other Toxic Effects of Gardenia
Peganum harmala (Syrian or Wild Rue)
Laboratory Detection of Oleander-Related Glycosides (Nerium oleander)
Distinguishing Methanol from Ethanol Intoxication
Indications for Fomepizole Therapy in a Patient with Possible Methanol Poisoning
Toxic Effects of Topical Silver Nitrate
Amitraz Poisoning
Risk Factors for and Findings of Terbufos (TBF) Organophosphate Poisoning
Pulmonary Effects of Manganese Toxicity
Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL) in Ground Water
Transformer Oil Containing Askarel
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC)
Dry Cleaning Chemicals and Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
Adverse Effects of an Ethanol Denaturant in Denatured Spirits
Ingestion of Bar Soap
Premonitory Signs and Symptoms Associated with Envenomation by the Common Krait
DROOL Score of Uygun et al for Pediatric Caustic Substance Ingestions
Encephalopathy in Children Associated with Lychee (Litchi) Fruit
Atractylis gummifera L.
Yam Bean Encephalopathy and Rotenone
Wild Lettuce (Lactuca virosa)
First, Second and Third Hand Tobacco Smoke
Withdrawal Reaction Following Discontinuation of an Exposure to Nitroglycerin
Loss of Nitroglycerin Tolerance (Monday Disease)
Arthritis (Pseudo-Rheumatism) Associated with Mercury Intoxication
Mycotoxin 3-Nitropropionic Acid (3-NPA)
PGI Score of Pannu et al for Mortality in Acute Aluminum Phosphide Poisoning
Ichthyoallyeinotoxism (Hallucinatory Fish or Dreamfish Poisoning)
Chelonitoxism (Turtle Flesh Poisoning)
Bongkrekic Acid
Pituitary Hypofunction or Empty Sella Syndrome After Russell's Viper Envenomation
Lead Arthropathy
Prognostic Score of Tosca et al Following a Caustic Ingestion
Tracheoesophageal Fistula (TEF) Following Ingestion of a Disk (Button) Battery
Risk Factors of Oliva et al for Complications Following Ingestion of Disk Battery
Aortoesophageal Fistula Following Disk Battery Ingestion
Predictors of Challine et al for Mortality Following Caustic Ingestion in an Adult
Serum S100B and Organic Solvent Neurotoxicity
CDC Classification of Organic Solvent Neurotoxicity
Viscerocutaneous (VCT) Loxoscelism
Taxus baccata (Yew)
Gelsemium elegans (Heartbreak Grass)
Accidental Exposure to Gelsemium elegans (Heartbreak Grass)
Bur Buttercup
Manchineel (Beach Apple)
Nomograms of Wang et al for Predicting Cadmium-Induced Renal Tubular Dysfunction: Male Nomogram
Nomograms of Wang et al for Predicting Cadmium-Induced Renal Tubular Dysfunction: Female Nomogram
Methemoglobinemia Associated with an Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Overdose
Paraquat Nephrotoxicity
Adverse Effects Associated with Fiberglass
Adverse Effects of Exposure to Tungsten and Its Alloys
Symptoms Following Drinking Water Contamination with Jet Fuel
Predictors of Lung et al for Death and Prolonged Renal Insufficiency Following Ethylene Glycol Poisoning
Pararamosis Associated with the Caterpillar Premolis semirufa
Eucalyptus Oil
Tutu Toxicity and Coriaria arborea
Nicotine Poisoning Following Ingestion of Nicotine Vape Liquid
Impact of Menthol in Cigarettes
Centipede (Scolopendra) Bites
Parkinsonism Following Exposure to Paraquat
Clinical Features of Pyrethroid Poisoning
Pesticide Hazards for a Qat (Khat, Kat) Chewer
Toxicity of Zinc Chloride in a Smoke Bomb
Complications of a Bite by Protobothrops mucrosquamatus
Criteria of Noutsos et al for Snakebite-Associated Thrombotic Microangiopathy (TMA)
Snake Bite Associated Kounis Syndrome (Allergic Coronary Artery Spasm)
Lead and Heavy Metal Poisoning Associated with Burning Incense
COGAS Score of Kim et al for Predicting Poor Neurocognitive Outcomes in Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Rhabdomyolysis Associated with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Cardiac Arrhythmias Associated with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Prognostic Factors of Gao et al for Prolonged Coma After Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Risk Score of Chi et al (FIRED Score)
Risk Factors of Huang et al for Acute Kidney Injury in a Patient with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Modified Poison Severity Score (PSS) for a Patient with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Predictors of Zhang et al for Impaired Consciousness in a Patient with Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Score of Suzuki for Delayed Encephalopathy After Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.
Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome, Rhabdomyolysis and Compartment Syndrome in Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Associated Using a Hookah (Shisha, Waterpipe)
Dementia Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Red Flags for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Toxicity Associated with Ingestion of Mucuna pruriens Seeds (Velvet Bean, Cowhage)
Differential Diagnosis of Hyperzincemia (Elevated Serum Zinc Concentration)
VENOMS Score of Gopalakrishnan et al for Viper Envenoming in India
Model of Lai et al for Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection Following a Naja atra Bite
Classification of Blaycock for Swelling Associated with a Snakebite
Internal Hemorrhage Following Snakebite
Pseudo-Intestinal Obstruction, Abdominal Pain. Pseudo-Cholecystitis and Constipation in Lead Poisoning
Lead Poisoning from an Ayurvedic Medicine (Ayurvedic Plumbism)
Chorea or Dystonia Following Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Predictors of Wang et al for a Poor Outcome in a Patient with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Prevention of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in a Lay Responder
Prevention of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in a Firemen or Emergency Medical Technicians
Fetal Carbon Monoxide Poisoning During Pregnancy
Clinical Effects of Batrachotoxin
Laboratory Markers of Gullu et al for Severe Scorpion Envenomation
Predictors of Bouaziz et al for Pulmonary Edema Following a Scorpion Sting
Mushroom Myocarditis
Africanized Honeybees (Killer Bees)
Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
Amyl Nitrite (Poppers) or Isobutyl Nitrite (Rush) and Methemoglobinemia
Toxic Effects of the Insecticide Lambda Cyhalothrin (LCH)
Clinical Features of Copper Sulfate Poisoning
Avoiding Microcystin-LR Ingestion Following an Algal Bloom
Inhalation of White Phosphorus and Chemical Pneumonitis
Toxic Alcohol Intoxication
Snakebite Envenomation During Pregnancy
Differential Diagnosis of Shock After a Snakebite
Risk Factors for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Construction
Ocular Jellyfish Stings
Dermal Chemical Burn Following Contact with Urine from a Patient Poisoned with Paraquat
Clinical and Laboratory Features of Acetamiprid Poisoning
Paraquat Tongue
Pulmonary Fibrosis Following Paraquat Poisoning (Paraquat Lung)
Acute Paraquat Poisoning Mortality (APPM) Score of Chen et al for Predicting Mortality for a Patient with Paraquat Poisoning
Paraquat Poisoning in a Pregnant Woman
Discriminant Function of Ikebuchi et al for Prognosis in Paraquat Poisoning
Model of Jones et al for Prognosis in Paraquat Poisoning
APACHE II Score and Prognosis in Paraquat Poisoning
Clinical Grades of Paraquat Poisoning
Screening for Paraquat Poisoning Using the Sodium Dithionite Test on Plasma
Methyl Methacrylate
Silicosis Associated with Engineered (Artificial) Stone
Adverse Effects of Ingesting Acetic Acid
Mushroom Poisoning from Russula subnigricans Causing Toxic Rhabdomyolysis
Classification of White et al for Mushroom Poisoning
Erythromelalgia Syndrome Caused by Clitocybe Species
Toxic Encephalopathy and Hapalapilus rutilans
Toxic Encephalopathy Due to Pleurocybella
Early Onset Renal Failure Due to Amanita Species
Allergic Pneumonic Syndrome (Lycoperdonosis)
Syndromic Classification of Diaz for Mushroom Poisoning
Pancytopenia After Ingestion of Ganoderma neojaponicum Imazeki
Morel Neurological Syndrome
Trichothecene Mushroom Poisoning with Podostroma cornu-damae
Cardiotoxic Mushroom Poisoning and Sudden Death
Differential Diagnosis of Anemia Associated with a Mushroom Intoxication
Dermal Chemical Burn Following Contact with Urine from a Patient Poisoned with Paraquat
Risk Factors for Malnutrition in a Child with Sickle Cell Anemia
Model of Sun et al for Diagnosing Occupational Lead Poisoning Using Hematological Parameters
Ischemic Colitis Associated with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Nomogram of Wang et al for Delayed Encephalopathy After Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Predictors of Jung and Lee for Poor Neurologic Outcome in a Patient with Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Encephalopathy Associated with Fetal Exposure to Carbon Monoxide
Extrapulmonary Manifestations of Chronic Berylliosis
Acute Myocardial Infarction Following Scorpion Sting
Costus igneus (Insulin Plant) and Hypoglycemia
Mandragora autumnalis (Autumn Mandrake)
Prognostic Nomogram of Farzaneh et al for Acute Aluminum Phosphide Poisoning
Occupational Hazards of Tattoo Artists