
The leaves of the khat bush contain a chemical that can result in a syndrome similar to amphetamine intoxication. Chronic use can lead to addiction and mental illness.


Synonyms: cafta, miraa, muiragi, chat


Plant: Catha edulis


Usual geographic distribution: East and North Africa, Arabia


Active ingredients: cathinone (alpha-aminoproprionphenone = norpseudoephedrine), a phenylalkylamine alkaloid. The drug methcathinone (ephedrine) is the N-methyl derivative of cathinone and beta-keto analogue of methamphetamine.


Methods of use:

(1) chewing leaves and twigs. Fresh leaves are more potent than dried leaves.

(2) tea

(3) smoking


Clinical findings:

(1) elevated blood pressure

(2) mydriasis

(3) hyperthermia

(4) anorexia

(5) insomnia

(6) increased arousal

(7) elevated mood

(8) anxiety

(9) agitation


Acute poisoning can result in:

(1) stroke

(2) myocardial infarction

(3) pulmonary edema

(4) severe hyperthermia

(5) severe hypertension


Chronic use can result in:

(1) psychological dependence

(2) aggressive behavior

(3) paranoia

(4) psychosis.


Methcanthinone is a related synthetic drug of abuse (see Chapter 32).


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