
Methyl methacrylate (methyl ester, 2-methyl-2-propenoic acid, methylacrylic acid) is a chemical used in the production of resins and plastics. It is used in medicine as a cement for bone and teeth.

Occupational exposure:

(1) manufacturer

(2) plastic industry

(3) end-user (plumber, cement workers, hobbyist)

(4) operating room personnel

(5) dental personnel


Routes of exposure:

(1) inhalation into lungs

(2) cutaneous

(3) less often ingestion

(4) iatrogenic (during use in orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, or dentistry)

(5) mucous membranes


Adverse effects:

(1) respiratory and nasal irritation

(2) occupational asthma

(3) contact dermatitis

(4) peripheral neuropathy, especially in fingers

(5) loss of appetite

(6) lethargy and/or reduced ability to concentrate

(7) lightheadedness

(8) headache

(9) eye irritation


Risk factors for adverse effects:

(1) poor ventilation

(2) frequent exposure

(3) heavy exposure

(4) lack of personal protective equipment (PPE)


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