
A pregnant woman may rarely be bitten by a venomous snake. The outcome for the mother and fetus depends on a number of factors.

Pregnant women comprise around 1% of people bitten by snakes. Many bites are on an extremity.


Factors affecting outcome of the snakebite:

(1) toxicity of the snake venom

(2) site of snakebite

(3) amount of injected venom

(4) systemic symptoms

(5) speed of antivenom administration


Complications in the mother include:

(1) shock

(2) hemorrhage and/or DIC

(3) organ failure

(4) uterine contractions and/or preterm labor

(5) placental abruption

(6) anaphylaxis to antivenom


Complications that can occur in the fetus:

(1) intrauterine fetal death

(2) decreased fetal movements

(3) hypotension due to maternal shock

(4) neonatal jaundice

(5) sepsis


Extended fetal monitoring is recommended to detect late onset complications.

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