
Challine at al identified predictors for mortality following caustic ingestion by an adult. These can help to identify a patient who may benefit from more aggressive management. The authors are from multiple institutions in France.

Patient: adult (ages 16 to 96) following caustic ingestion


Rate of complications: 34%

Mortality rate: 8%


Predictors of mortality from multivariate model:

(1) old age (median 65)

(2) high comorbidity on Charlson Comorbidity Index

(3) ICU admission

(4) emergency surgery for digestive necrosis


Additional factors that may affect prognosis:

(1) suicidal/intentional ingestion

(2) treatment in a low volume center (< 2 patients per year)



(1) gastrointestinal hemorrhage

(2) gastrointestinal necrosis

(3) deep abscess

(4) deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism

(5) pulmonary complications

(6) renal failure


One recommendation was that a low volume center should refer patients to a tertiary care center if possible, rather than to attempt on-site management.

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