
Bongkrekic acid is associated with fatal food poisoning episodes, primarily in Southeast Asia.

Alternative name: flavotoxin A (Anwar, 2017)


Temp bongkrek is a fermented coconut product in Indonesia associated with fatal food poisoning


Source: Burkholderia gladioli pathovar cocovenenans (formerly Pseudomonas cocovenenans)


The toxin is produced in conjunction with a fungus such as Rhizopus oligosporus.


The amount and type of lipid in the substrate is critical for bongkrekic acid formation (Garcia, 1999). Lauric, myristic and palmitic acids stimulated detectable amount of toxin.


Toxic effect: mitochondrial toxin, with inhibition of adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT), which supplies ADP for production of ATP


The toxin is heat-stable.



(1) fermented food or drink, especially involving corn or coconut

(2) spoiled food


Clinical presentation:

(1) malaise

(2) dizziness

(3) somnolence

(4) excessive sweating

(5) palpitations

(6) abdominal pain

(7) vomiting

(8) diarrhea

(9) hematochezia

(10) oliguria and/or hematuria


Potentially fatal effects:

(1) centrilobular hepatic necrosis

(2) multi-organ failure

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