
Aluminum phosphide is a fumigant that generates phosphine gas, which is toxic to mitochondria. Shadnia et al identified prognostic factors for patients exposed to aluminum phosphide. The authors are from the Legal Medicine Organization of Iran in Tehran.


Patient selection: acute aluminum phosphide poisoning serious enough to require admission to the intensive care unit (ICU)


Prognosis can be determined based on evaluation of the patient on admission with determination of the SAPS II during the first 24 hours.


Prognostic factors:

(1) elevated SAPS II score during the first 24 hours after admission (definite risk if >= 9, probable risk if 7 or 8)

(2) abnormal ECG


Specific prognostic factors incorporated into SAPS II:

(1) Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) low (<= 12)

(2) hyperglycemia (> 200 mg/dL)

(3) acidosis (pH < 7.2), reflected in SAPS II as a reduced serum bicarbonate

(4) hemoconcentration with elevated hematocrit

(5) leukocytosis (>= 13,000 per µL)

(6) low serum BUN or urea (BUN < 17 mg/dL)


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