
Sabapathy listed a number of factors associated with accidental ingestion of paraquat in the home. The same risk factors apply to any toxic compound in the home. The author is from Zeneca Arochemicals in Fernhurst, Surrey, England.


Risk factors for accidental ingestion leading to a "mistaken identity":

(1) pouring off into a beverage bottle or into a cup

(2) fluid that looks like coffee, tea, beer or cola (or a powder that looks like sugar)

(3) leaving unattended or accessible about the home, especially in the kitchen


Other factors:

(1) failure with the label (none, fell off, unreadable, person unable to read)

(2) absence of stench or irritating feature

(3) extremes of age (very young or very old)

(4) residence in a developing country (where controls may be poor or not enforced;)

(5) distribution in large drums

(6) failure to educate about risks


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