
Pokeweed is found in many parts of the world. It may be ingested intentionally (as a salad, potherb, tea, herbal remedy) or by accident. Handling the plant with bare hands can also cause intoxication.


Synonym: inkberry, Jerusalem artichoke, skoke, garget, pigeonberry


Plant species: Phytolacca Americana, Phytolacca decandra, others


Toxin: saponin triterpenoid glycoproteins, phytolaccine, phytolascotoxin


Action: mitogenic, immediate toxicity


Toxic parts: roots, shoots, berries, leaves.


Symptoms of intoxication:

(1) burning mouth

(2) nausea and vomiting

(3) abdominal pain

(4) diarrhea, which may be bloody

(5) hypotension

(6) headache

(7) impaired vision

(8) seizures

(9) cardiac arrhythmias


Severe intoxication may show:

(1) respiratory depression

(2) coma

(3) death


Rinsing the plant twice in boiling water can reduce symptoms of intoxication, but it may still retain its mitogenic activity.


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