As blood flows through the vasculature, it encounters resistance to flow. This is one of the contributing factors to blood pressure.
systemic vascular resistance =
= (mean arterial pressure) - (mean right atrial pressure)) * (80 / (cardiac output))
pulmonary vascular resistance =
= ((mean pulmonary arterial pressure) - (pulmonary capillary wedge pressure)) * (80 / (cardiac output))
total pulmonary resistance =
= (mean pulmonary arterial pressure) / (cardiac output * (80)
• normal systemic vascular resistance: 800 - 1200 dynes per sec per cm^(-5)
• normal pulmonary vascular resistance: 120 - 250 dynes per sec per cm^(-5)
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Purpose: To calculate various vascular resistances.
Specialty: Cardiology, Emergency Medicine, Pulmonology
Objective: imaging studies, other testing
ICD-10: I10-I15,