
Some people living near a wind turbine may complain of one or more symptoms that are ascribed to the influence of the wind turbine.

Proposed mechanism:

(1) negative effects of low frequency noise and/or vibration

(2) flickering light when sun viewed through rotating blades

(3) anger and/or fear about the turbines being located nearby


Complaints include:

(1) annoyance

(2) sleep disturbances

(3) depression or psychological distress

(4) tinnitus, ear pain or vertigo

(5) headache

(6) seizures


Findings supportive of the diagnosis:

(1) The person lives within a few miles of a wind turbine

(2) Symptom onset or worsening after startup of the nearby wind turbine

(3) Improvement if away from the vicinity or when the turbine is shut off

(4) exclusion of other explanations for the findings


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