
A welder may be at risk for developing severe occupational lung disease.


Occupational factors contributing to welder’s lung:

(1) iron fumes

(2) other metal fumes (beryllium, cobalt, etc)

(3) gases

(4) dust, especially silica


Risk factors:

(1) poor ventilation at the workplace

(2) lack of personal protective equipment

(3) long duration of welding

(4) little or no health monitoring

(5) toxic metals in the welding fumes

(6) comorbid conditions such as smoking or asthma


Complicatons seen in welders may include:

(1) pulmonary siderosis

(2) pneumoconiosis

(3) occupational asthma

(4) pulmonary fibrosis

(5) COPD

(6) lung cancer


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