The prognosis for a patient with Wegener's granulomatosis may vary widely depending on the severity of the disease and the complications of treatment.
Common disease-related morbidity in Wegener's granulomastosis:
(1) chronic renal insufficiency
(2) hearing loss
(3) cosmetic and functional nasal deformities
(4) tracheal stenosis
(5) visual loss
(6) recurrent sinusitis
Poor prognostic factors for mortality:
(1) systemic disease with multi-organ involvement (vs disease with limited extent)
(2) multiple organ failures (renal, pulmonary, cardiac, other)
(3) severe infections (may be associated with complications of disease progression or complications of immunosuppression)
(4) severe complications from cytotoxic or immunosuppressive therapy, especially after long-term cyclophosphamide therapy
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Purpose: To identify risk factors for increased mortality in a patient with Wegener's granulomastosis.
Specialty: Immunology/Rheumatology
Objective: other testing, criteria for diagnosis, severity, prognosis, stage
ICD-10: M31.3,