The volume of donor blood required to deliver a given dose of hemoglobin can be estimated as:
target hemoglobin dose in grams =
= (volume of blood to deliver dose in mL) / 100 * (donor's hemoglobin in g/dL)
volume of blood to deliver dose in mL =
= (target hemoglobin in grams) * 100 / (donor's hemoglobin in g/dL)
If a target dose of 50 grams is used, then
volume of blood to deliver dose in mL =
= 5000 / (donor's hemoglobin in g/dL)
volume of blood to collect in mL =
= (volume of blood to deliver dose in mL) + (mL of blood used to fill tubes during collection) + (mL of blood lost during processing)
In the implementation the modified rule of fives by Gilcher is used to determine the donor's blood volume (see 02.08.10).