
Miyajima et al developed an equation called the Vertical Indicator (VI) to help distinguish those patients with a Class III malocclusion who have an anterior deep overbite from those with an open bite. The equation was developed in Japanese women, but the same concept can be used to develop similar equations for other populations. The chief author is from Aichi-Gakuin University in Nagoya, Japan.


Parameters from cephalometry (see Table 1, page 191):

(1) facial axis in degrees

(2) mandibular plane angle in degrees

(3) lower face height in degrees


vertical indicator =

= (0.4 * (facial axis)) + (0.3 * (mandibular plane)) + (0.5 * (lower face height)) – 72.3



• Patients with an open bite had a mean score of +2.5 (+/- 2.3)

• Patients with a deep overbite had a mean score of –2.5 (+/- 2.2)

• If the patient has a score > 0, then the patient has an open bite tendency.

• If the patient has a score < 0, then the patient has a deep overbite tendency.


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