Adjusting the respiratory rate on a mechanical ventilator can be used to adjust a patient's PaCO2.
(1) current respiratory rate in breaths per minute
(2) current PaCO2 in mm Hg
(3) desired PaCO2 in mm Hg
target respiratory rate in breaths per minute =
= (current PaCO2) / (desired PaCO2) * (current respiratory rate)
• It is assumed that there is no change in tidal volume.
• The minute volume is the tidal volume in L times the respiratory rate.
• The target respiratory rate may need to be ROUNDed to an integer.
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Purpose: To adjust the respiratory rate for a patient on a mechanical ventilator in order to adjust the PaCO2.
Specialty: Pulmonology
Objective: dosage adjustments
ICD-10: ,