
Zubarioglu et al reported on the use of the Vasoactive-Ventilation-Renal Score for evaluation of a neonate undergoing cardiac surgery. The authors are from Yen Yuzyil University in Istanbul.


Patient selection: neonate following cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease.

Assessment: ICU admission, 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours after ICU admission



(1) ventilator respiratory rate per minute

(2) peak inspiratory pressure in cm H2O

(3) positive end-expiratory pressure in cm H2O

(4) PaCO2, units not given, presumed mm Hg

(5) VIS (vasoactive inotrope score)

(6) serum creatinine at baseline

(7) serum creatinine, in mg/dL

(8) body weight in kilograms


Vasoactive Drug


dopamine in µg/kg/min

dobutamine in µg/kg/min

epinephrine in µg/kg/min

100 *

milrinone in µg/kg/min

10 *

vasopressin in U/kg/min

10,000 *

norepinephrine in µg/kg/min

100 *



= SUM(points for all of the vasoactive drugs)


deltta creatinine =

= 10 * ((current serum creatinine) - (baseline serum creatinine))


ventilation index =

= (ventilator respiratory rate) * ((peak inspiratory pressure) - (PEEP)) * (PaCO2) / 1000


vasoactive ventilation renal score = VVR =

= (ventilation index) + (VIS) + (delta creatinine)



• The VVR at 72 hours and maximum VVR were associated with mortality and ICU length of stay.

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