
The Vaccine Injury Table is specified for the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, with periodic updates.

The table consists of:

(1) a listing of available childhood vaccines

(2) recognized illness, disability, injury or condition that is covered by the act

(3) time period for onset or significant aggravation associated with each recognized illness


If a child receives a vaccine and if the child develops a recognized condition within the specified time period, then the child may be eligible for compensation. Else the child is not.



(1) contains tetanus toxoid

(2) pertussis, whole, extracted, partial cell or specific antigen

(3) contains measles, mumps and/or rubella virus

(4) contains rubella virus

(5) contains measles virus

(6) contains live poliovirus

(7) contains inactivated poliovirus

(8) hepatitis B vaccines

(9) Haemophilus influenzae type b

(10) Varicella

(11) Rotavirus

(12) pneumococcal conjugate

(13) hepatitis A

(14) seasonal influenza

(15) meningococcal

(16) human papillomavirus (HPV)


Range of conditions (applicability varies with vaccine):

(1) anaphylaxis

(2) brachial neuritis

(3) shoulder injury from vaccine administration

(4) vasovagal syncope

(5) encephalopathy or encephalitis

(6) chronic arthritis

(7) thrombocytopenic purpura

(8) vaccine-associated viral infection in an immunodeficient patient

(9) other viral infection due to vaccine-associated strain

(10) intussusception

(11) Guillain-Barre syndrome


Example for seasonal influenza vaccine


Time Frame


onset <= 4 hours

shoulder injury

onset <= 48 hours

vasovagal syncope

onset <= 1 hour

Guillain-Barre syndrome

onset from 3 to 42 days


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