
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides criteria to grade cabbage.


(1) U.S. No. 1

(2) U.S. Commercial


Features of U.S. No. 1 cabbage:

(1) reasonable solidity

(2) not withered, puffy or burst

(3) free from soft rot and seedstems

(4) free of damage caused by freezing, disease, insects or mechanical impact

(5) stems that do not extend more than 0.5 inches beyond the point of attachment of the outermost leaves


Features of U.S. Commercial:

(1) does not meet criteria for No. 1

(2) allows for greater amounts of certain defects



US No 1

US Commercial

soft decay

<= 2%

<= 2%

number of wrapper leaves

<= 10%

<= 10%

defects of serious damage


<= 10%

other defects

<= 10%

<= 25%



Type of Cabbage





< 1.5 lbs

1.5 to 3 lbs

> 3 lbs

Danish and domestic

< 2 lbs

2 to 5 lbs

> 5 lbs


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