
Procrastination has two domains - intentional and unintentional. Fernie et al developed the Unintentional Procrastination Scale to evaluate unintentional procrastination in a patient with procrastination. The authors are from King's College London, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Kingston University and London South Bank University in London.


(1) I rarely begin tasks as soon as given them, even if I intend to.

(2) Often I mean to be doing something but it seems that sometimes I just don't get round to it.

(3) I often seem to start things and don't seem to finish them off.

(4) I intend to get things done, but sometimes this just does not happen.

(5) Often I will set myself a date by which I intend to get something done or make a decision but miss the deadline.

(6) I really want to get things finished in time, but I rarely do.




do not agree


agree slightly


agree moderately


agree very much



total score =

= SUM(point for all 6 parameters)



• minimum score: 6

• maximum score: 24

• A high score indicates unintentional procrastination.

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