
Pinilla-Ibarz et al listed criteria for clinical intolerance to tyrosin kinase inhibitor therapy. These criteria can be extended to other medications. The authors are from the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida.

Criteria for medication intolerance:

(1) sufficient severity and duration

(2) not explained by another cause

(3) not responsive to dose reduction or optimal supportive care


Severity of Adverse Effect


Grade 4 (severe)

> 7 days

Grade 3


Grade 2 (moderate)

> 1 month

Grade 2 (moderate)

recurrent (>= 4 times)

Grade 1 (mild) and bothersome to the patient

long term



• The original criteria distinguish hematologic from nonhematologic toxicity but these are combined here.

• The duration for Grade 3 toxicity was not specified but > 2 weeks will be used.

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