
Jostel et al developed a TSH index (TSHI) that corrects for any physiological suppression of TSH secretion caused by free thryoxine (fT4). This can help to identify a patient with hypopituitarism. The authors are from Christie Hospital in Manchester, England.

This index can help to identify a patient with hypopituitarism whose TSH and free T4 are still within the normal reference range.



(1) free T4 in pmol/L

(2) TSH in mU/L



= LN(TSH) + (0.1345 * (free T4))


According to Figure 4, the line for TSHI that is -1.96 SD below the mean is:



= (-0.1353 * (free T4)) + 1.3676


If this is rearranged:


LN(TSH) + (0.1353 * (free T4)) = 1.3676


TSH deficiency was defined as a result with the following features:

(1) LN(TSH) below the line

(2) free T4 above lower limit of normal reference range (9 pmol/L)

(3) TSH above the lower limit of normal reference range (0.35 mU/L)



• The equation requires assays for TSH and free T4 with similar performance characteristics.

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