
A tropical cyclone is a weather system that develops in tropical and subtropical regions. A bomb cyclone (explosive cyclogenesis) is a violent storm which develops differently.

Synonyms for bomb cyclone: weather bomb; meterorological bomb; bombogenesis


A tropical cyclone:

(1) is a low-pressure system with a warm core and without any "front"

(2) located 300 miles or more from the equator

(3) develops over warm ocean waters (>= 80°F) to a depth of 150 feet or more. so tends to develop in late summer or Fall

(4) the warm ocean water evaporates and the water vapor rises, resulting in relatively moist air near the mid-level of the troposphere

(5) the atmosphere cools fast at height, so is unstable to moist convection

(6) the vertical wind shear between the surface and upper troposphere is relatively slow (< 23 mph)

(7) the system develops an organized circulation

(8) when it passes over land it loses the amount of evaporation coming in, resulting in heavy rains


Explosive cylogenesis:

(1) an extratropical cyclonic low-pressure area that has a rapid decrease in atmospheric pressure over a 24-hour period

(2) it tends to occur in the winter when a cold air mass collides with a warm air mass

(3) it behaves explosively with winds of 74 to 95 mph and heavy precipitation

(4) it may generate tornadoes and blizzards

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