
Noorda et al reported a trigger tool for evaluating an elderly patient with polypharmacy and an adverse drug reaction (ADR). One adverse drug reaction refers to falls, collapse and syncope. The authors are from University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht University, University of Groningen and The Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb.

Patient selection: geriatric patient with polypharmacy, admitted acutely to the hospital.

Adverse drug reaction: falls, collapse and syncope


Implicated drugs:

(1) antihypertensive drugs (ACE-I, ARB, calcium antagonists, beta-blockers, alpha-1 blockers, long-acting nitrates, other)

(2) anti-arrhythmic agents

(3) benzodiazepines

(4) antipsychotic drugs

(5) antidepressants



• Cardiac arrhythmias could also be the cause of syncope or collapse.

• Hypotension from severe bleeding can explain collapse.

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