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Patients with severe liver disease may bleed for a variety of reasons. Careful use of blood products and drugs can often control the bleeding in most patients.


Hemostatic problems in patients with severe liver disease:

(1) prolongation of the PT and PTT (due to vitamin K deficiency, failure of hepatic synthesis, hypofibrinogenemia, DIC)

(2) hypofibrinogenemia (dysfibrinogenemia. DIC)

(3) thrombocytopenia (sequestration in spleen, DIC, sepsis, decreased production from bone marrow)

(4) platelet dysfunction




prolonged PT

within 3 seconds of upper limit of normal

(1) parenteral vitamin K

(2) FFP 12-20 mL per kg body weight

(3) prothrombin complex if the patient is unable to handle the FFP volume

fibrinogen < 150 mg/dL

> 150 mg/dL


platelet count < 100,000 per µL

> 100,000 per µL

platelet concentrates

abnormal bleeding time

reduce to or near normal

desmopressin acetate 0.3 µg/kg IV



• The dose of FFP represents about 33-50% of an adult's plasma volume.

• Dosing of products in the bleeding patient has to be continuously adjusted since s/he may not be stable.

• Desmopressin = diamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin. It increases the high molecular weight multimers of von Willebrand's factor, which appears to be beneficial in reversing an elevated bleeding time.


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